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Science and Religion in Today's Society

Theocracy- government based on the religion of the nation Vatican City Saudi Iran

Differences in reaction to scientific discovery

Secular- government which practices separation of religion and state

United States United Kingdoms

Example: "There is no god but Allah: Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah"

Historical Example: Galileo Galilei

Case Study: History of the Universe

Galileo: agreed with Heliocentric model of the world Was placed under house arrest as a result

Note: He resided in Italy, where there was a strong influence from the Pope and Catholic church This would likely have been different if not for the Inquisition and other theological factors during the time.

Current Example: Big Bang Theory

A priets, member of the Vatican chorus reads the text of a Catholic song on his IPad during Pope Benedict XVI's celebration of the Ash Wednesday at Santa Sabina Basilica in Rome. Source:

Apps that people use in their phones

There is a lot of controversy between religion and science, causing there to be a war between logic and faith.

Round VS Flat Earth Misinterpretation of Darwinism (eugenics) Slavery in the United States

Historical Examples

Current Examples

Pro life VS Pro choice Creationism VS evolution

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