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Curr|cu|um Concepts Nature and

lessoo 1
coocepts Notote ooJ lotposes of cottlcolom
lotlto l 8llboo Ju
1he concepL of currlculum ls as dynamlc as Lhe
changes LhaL occur ln socleLy ln lLs narrow sense
currlculum ls vlewed merely as a llsLlng of sub[ecL Lo be
LaughL ln school ln a broader sense lL refers Lo Lhe LoLal
learnlng experlences of lndlvlduals noL only ln schools buL
ln socleLy as well
1he concepL of currlculum ls as dynamlc as Lhe
changes LhaL occur ln socleLy ln lLs narrow sense
currlculum ls vlewed merely as a llsLlng of sub[ecL Lo be
LaughL ln school ln a broader sense lL refers Lo Lhe LoLal
learnlng experlences of lndlvlduals noL only ln schools buL
ln socleLy as well
O In ile Plilippines, iecommendaiions of seveial
educaiional iniiiaiives lile ile Plilippine Commission
io Suivey Plilippine Educaiion (PCSPE), Suivey of ile
Ouicomes of Elemeniaiy Educaiion ( SOUTELE), and
ile Plilippine Commission foi Educaiional
Refoims(PCER) focused on cuiiiculai ienewal oi
iefoims. Tle iecenily foimulaied Naiional
Compeiency-Based Teaclei Siandaids (NCBTS)
became ile ancloi of iefoims in educaiion fiom ile
basic io liglei educaiion.
Olai is cuiiiculum?
Olai is iis puipose?
Olai is iis naiuie?
Tlese aie ile fundamenial quesiions ilai
will be addiessed in ilis lesson.
Cuiiiculum fiom Diffeieni Poinis of View
Tleie aie many definiiions of cuiiiculum.
Because of ilis, ile concepi of cuiiiculum is
someiimes claiacieiized as fiagmeniaiy, elusive
and confusing. Tle definiiions aie influenced by
modes of ilouglis, pedagogies, poliiical as well as
culiuial expeiiences
Cuiiiculum fiom Diffeieni Poinis of View
Tleie aie many definiiions of cuiiiculum.
Because of ilis, ile concepi of cuiiiculum is
someiimes claiacieiized as fiagmeniaiy, elusive
and confusing. Tle definiiions aie influenced by
modes of ilouglis, pedagogies, poliiical as well as
culiuial expeiiences
#. Tiadiiional Poinis of Viewof Cuiiiculum
In ile eaily yeais of :o
ceniuiy, ile
iiadiiional concepis leld of ile "cuiiiculum is ilai ii
is a body of subjecis oi subjeci maiiei piepaied by ile
ieacleis foi ile siudenis io leain". Ii was synonymous
io ile "couise of siudy" and "syllabus"
#. Tiadiiional Poinis of Viewof Cuiiiculum
In ile eaily yeais of :o
ceniuiy, ile
iiadiiional concepis leld of ile "cuiiiculum is ilai ii
is a body of subjecis oi subjeci maiiei piepaied by ile
ieacleis foi ile siudenis io leain". Ii was synonymous
io ile "couise of siudy" and "syllabus"
Robeii M. Huiclins views cuiiiculum as
"peimaneni siudies" wleie ile iule of giammai,
ieading, ileioiic and logic and mailemaiics foi
basic educaiion aie emplasized.
Robeii M. Huiclins views cuiiiculum as
"peimaneni siudies" wleie ile iule of giammai,
ieading, ileioiic and logic and mailemaiics foi
basic educaiion aie emplasized.
Basic Educaiion slould emplasize ile Rs and
college educaiion slould be giounded on libeial
educaiion. On ile oilei land, Aiilui Besioi as
an esseniialisi, believe ilai ile mission of ile
sclool slould be inielleciual iiaining, lence
cuiiiculum slould focus on ile fundamenial
inielleciual disciplines of giammai, liieiaiuie
and wiiiing. Ii slould also include
mailemaiics, science, lisioiy and foieign
Tlis definiiion leads us io ile view of }osepl
Sclwab ilai discipline is ile sole souice of
cuiiiculum. Tlus in oui educaiion sysiem,
cuiiiculum is divided inio clunls of lnowledge
we call subjeci aieas in basic educaiion sucl as
Englisl, Mailemaiics, Science, Social Siudies
and oileis. In college, discipline may includes
lumaniiies, sciences, languages and many moie
rr|cu|um rr|cu|um
n Lhe oLher hand Lo a progresslvlsL a llsLlng of
school sub[ecLs syllabl course of sLudy and llsL of
courses or speclflc dlsclpllne do noL make a
currlculum 1hese can only be called currlculum lf
Lhe wrlLLen maLerlals are acLuallzed by Lhe learner
8roadly speaklng currlculum ls deflned as Lhe LoLal
learnlng experlences of Lhe lndlvldual
1hls deflnlLlon ls anchored on !ohn uewey's
deflnlLlon of experlence and educaLlon Pe belleved LhaL
reflecLlve Lhlnklng ls a means LhaL unlfles currlcular
elemenLs 1houghL ls noL derlved from acLlon buL LesLed
by appllcaLlon
Caswell and Campbell vlewed currlculum as all
experlences chlldren have under Lhe guldance of
Leachers" 1hls deflnlLlon ls shared by SmlLh SLanley and
Shores when Lhey deflned currlculum as a sequence of
poLenLlal experlences seL up ln Lhe schools for Lhe
purpose of dlsclpllnlng chlldren and youLh ln group ways
of Lhlnklng and acLlng"
1hls deflnlLlon ls anchored on !ohn uewey's
deflnlLlon of experlence and educaLlon Pe belleved LhaL
reflecLlve Lhlnklng ls a means LhaL unlfles currlcular
elemenLs 1houghL ls noL derlved from acLlon buL LesLed
by appllcaLlon
Caswell and Campbell vlewed currlculum as all
experlences chlldren have under Lhe guldance of
Leachers" 1hls deflnlLlon ls shared by SmlLh SLanley and
Shores when Lhey deflned currlculum as a sequence of
poLenLlal experlences seL up ln Lhe schools for Lhe
purpose of dlsclpllnlng chlldren and youLh ln group ways
of Lhlnklng and acLlng"
,arsh and Wlllls on Lhe oLher hand vlew
currlculum as all Lhe experlences ln Lhe classroom
whlch are planned and enacLed by Lhe Leacher and
also learned by Lhe sLudenLs
,arsh and Wlllls on Lhe oLher hand vlew
currlculum as all Lhe experlences ln Lhe classroom
whlch are planned and enacLed by Lhe Leacher and
also learned by Lhe sLudenLs
o|nts of V|ew on Curr|cu|um Deve|opment
rom Lhe varlous deflnlLlons and concepLs
presenLed lL ls clear LhaL currlculum ls a dynamlc process
uevelopmenL connoLes changes whlch are sysLemaLlc A
change for Lhe beLLer means any alLeraLlon modlflcaLlon
or lmprovemenL of exlsLlng condlLlon 1o produce poslLlve
changes developmenL should be purposeful planned and
progresslve 1hls ls how currlculum evolves
o|nts of V|ew on Curr|cu|um Deve|opment
rom Lhe varlous deflnlLlons and concepLs
presenLed lL ls clear LhaL currlculum ls a dynamlc process
uevelopmenL connoLes changes whlch are sysLemaLlc A
change for Lhe beLLer means any alLeraLlon modlflcaLlon
or lmprovemenL of exlsLlng condlLlon 1o produce poslLlve
changes developmenL should be purposeful planned and
progresslve 1hls ls how currlculum evolves
a|ph 1y|er Mode| Iour 8as|c r|nc|p|es
WhaL educaLlonal purposes should Lhe school
seek Lo aLLaln?
2 WhaL educaLlonal experlences can be provlded
LhaL are llkely Lo aLLaln Lhese purposes?
3 Pow can Lhese educaLlonal experlences be
effecLlvely organlzed?
4 Pow can we deLermlne wheLher Lhese
purposes are belng aLLalned or noL?
a|ph 1y|er Mode| Iour 8as|c r|nc|p|es
WhaL educaLlonal purposes should Lhe school
seek Lo aLLaln?
2 WhaL educaLlonal experlences can be provlded
LhaL are llkely Lo aLLaln Lhese purposes?
3 Pow can Lhese educaLlonal experlences be
effecLlvely organlzed?
4 Pow can we deLermlne wheLher Lhese
purposes are belng aLLalned or noL?
ln summary 1yler's ,odel show LhaL ln
developmenL Lhe followlng conslderaLlon should
be made
urposes of Lhe school
LducaLlonal experlences relaLed Lo Lhe
rganlzaLlon of Lhe experlences and
LvaluaLlon of Lhe experlences
ln summary 1yler's ,odel show LhaL ln
developmenL Lhe followlng conslderaLlon should
be made
urposes of Lhe school
LducaLlonal experlences relaLed Lo Lhe
rganlzaLlon of Lhe experlences and
LvaluaLlon of Lhe experlences
n Lhe oLher hand Pllda 1aba lmproved on
1yler's 8aLlonale by maklng a llnear model She
belleved LhaL Leachers who Leach or lmplemenL Lhe
currlculum should parLlclpaLe ln developlng lL Per
advocacy was commonly called Lhe tosstoots
opptoocb She presenLed seven ma[or sLeps Lo her
model where Leachers could have a ma[or lnpuL
n Lhe oLher hand Pllda 1aba lmproved on
1yler's 8aLlonale by maklng a llnear model She
belleved LhaL Leachers who Leach or lmplemenL Lhe
currlculum should parLlclpaLe ln developlng lL Per
advocacy was commonly called Lhe tosstoots
opptoocb She presenLed seven ma[or sLeps Lo her
model where Leachers could have a ma[or lnpuL
1hese steps are as fo||ows
ulagnosls of learners needs and expecLaLlons of
Lhe larger socleLy
ormulaLlon of learnlng ob[ecLlves
SelecLlon of learnlng conLenL
rganlzaLlon of Learnlng conLenL
SelecLlon of learnlng experlences
rganlzaLlon of learnlng acLlvlLles
ueLermlnaLlons of whaL Lo evaluaLe and Lhe
and Lhe means of dolng lL
1hese steps are as fo||ows
ulagnosls of learners needs and expecLaLlons of
Lhe larger socleLy
ormulaLlon of learnlng ob[ecLlves
SelecLlon of learnlng conLenL
rganlzaLlon of Learnlng conLenL
SelecLlon of learnlng experlences
rganlzaLlon of learnlng acLlvlLles
ueLermlnaLlons of whaL Lo evaluaLe and Lhe
and Lhe means of dolng lL
rom Lhe varlous concepLs glven
Allan ClaLLhorn (2000) descrlbes seven types of curr|cu|um
operaLlng ln Lhe schools
) RecommenJeJ curriculum- pioposed by
sclolais and piofessional oiganizaiions.
) Vritten curriculum- appeais in sclool, disiiici,
divisionoi couniiy documenis.
) Touqbt curriculum- wlai ieacleis implemeni
oi delivei in ile classiooms and sclools
. upporteJ curriculum- iesouices iexibool
compuieis, audio visual maieiials wlicl
suppoii and lelp in ile implemeniaiionof ile
. AssesseJ curriculum, ilai wlicl is iesied and
. leorneJ curriculum-wlai ile siudenis
aciually leain and wlai is measuied and
. HiJJen curriculum- ile uniniended
Ma[or Ioundat|ons of Curr|cu|um
LeL us now look lnLo Lhe ma[or
foundaLlons of a currlculum uebaLes
conLlnue on whaL currlculum ls and lLs baslc
foundaLlons 1he commonly accepLed
foundaLlons lnclude phllosophlcal hlsLorlcal
psychologlcal and soclal
Ma[or Ioundat|ons of Curr|cu|um
LeL us now look lnLo Lhe ma[or
foundaLlons of a currlculum uebaLes
conLlnue on whaL currlculum ls and lLs baslc
foundaLlons 1he commonly accepLed
foundaLlons lnclude phllosophlcal hlsLorlcal
psychologlcal and soclal
hllosophy provldes educaLors Leachers and
currlculum makers wlLh framework for plannlng
lmplemenLlng and evaluaLlng currlculum ln schools lL
helps ln answerlng whaL school are for whaL sub[ecLs are
lmporLanL how sLudenLs should learn and whaL maLerlals
and meLhods should be used ln declslon maklng
phllosophy provldes Lhe sLarLlng polnL and wlll be used for
Lhe succeedlng declslon maklng
hllosophy provldes educaLors Leachers and
currlculum makers wlLh framework for plannlng
lmplemenLlng and evaluaLlng currlculum ln schools lL
helps ln answerlng whaL school are for whaL sub[ecLs are
lmporLanL how sLudenLs should learn and whaL maLerlals
and meLhods should be used ln declslon maklng
phllosophy provldes Lhe sLarLlng polnL and wlll be used for
Lhe succeedlng declslon maklng
now to |mprove uest|on|ng 1echn|que
Tle following aie some poinis io considei io
impiove one's quesiioning ieclnique.
Tle following aie some poinis io considei io
impiove one's quesiioning ieclnique.
W now youi own siyle of quesiioning W now youi own siyle of quesiioning
W Requesi a colleague io ciiiique youi own siyle as
io: a.) lind of quesiions ofien asled, b.) ile iype of iesponses
iequiied. nowing youi eiiois in quesiioning would male ii
easy io effeci ile necessaiy clanges. Too many "wlai"
quesiions will be avoided.
W Requesi a colleague io ciiiique youi own siyle as
io: a.) lind of quesiions ofien asled, b.) ile iype of iesponses
iequiied. nowing youi eiiois in quesiioning would male ii
easy io effeci ile necessaiy clanges. Too many "wlai"
quesiions will be avoided.
W Inciease youi own iepeiioiie of iype quesiions. Tiaining on
employing diveigeni, ligl level and open-ended quesiions
impioves youi quesiioning ieclnique. Fully awaie of ile
insiiuciional objeciives sei foi a paiiiculai lesson, you would
be able io fiame moie inieiesiing and ilougli-piovoling
quesiions iailei ilan ile memoiy iype.
W Inciease youi own iepeiioiie of iype quesiions. Tiaining on
employing diveigeni, ligl level and open-ended quesiions
impioves youi quesiioning ieclnique. Fully awaie of ile
insiiuciional objeciives sei foi a paiiiculai lesson, you would
be able io fiame moie inieiesiing and ilougli-piovoling
quesiions iailei ilan ile memoiy iype.
W Considei ile individual abiliiies and inieiesi of ile siudenis.
Expeiiencing success in giving coiiecis answeis piomoies a
feeling of confidence among ilem. Seleci ile biigliei ones io
iespond io ligl level quesiions. An appioving nod, a smile oi
piaise foi an answei given will encouiage ilem io volunieei own
W Considei ile individual abiliiies and inieiesi of ile siudenis.
Expeiiencing success in giving coiiecis answeis piomoies a
feeling of confidence among ilem. Seleci ile biigliei ones io
iespond io ligl level quesiions. An appioving nod, a smile oi
piaise foi an answei given will encouiage ilem io volunieei own
W Spend iime iefleciing on ile iype of quesiions you asl.
Impiove on ilem.
W Spend iime iefleciing on ile iype of quesiions you asl.
Impiove on ilem.

Clildien aie by naiuie cuiious. Tley ilinl

quesiion aboui almosi anyiling iley see and leai aiound
ilem. Tley asl casual, inielligeni and even funny
quesiions. Neil Posiman said, "tbey come to scbool os
question morks" bui unfoiiunaiely "leave sclool as
Tle ieaclei's ieaciion io ileii inquisiiiveness can
moiivaie oi discouiage ilem fiom asling moie quesiion. Some
may give lonesi answei, oileis may insianily siop ilem fiom
aiiempiing io asl moie. How can we encouiage clildien io asl
quesiion? Heie aie some iips:
Tle ieaclei's ieaciion io ileii inquisiiiveness can
moiivaie oi discouiage ilem fiom asling moie quesiion. Some
may give lonesi answei, oileis may insianily siop ilem fiom
aiiempiing io asl moie. How can we encouiage clildien io asl
quesiion? Heie aie some iips:
) 1he Leacher's quesLlonlng Lechnlque ls Lhe key ln
encouraglng sLudenLs Lo ask correcL relevanL and hlgh
level quesLlon Per quesLlon can serve as a good
:) Aiiend io ileii quesiion. Avoid dismissing iiielevani
quesiions. Assisi in claiifying oi iefocusing in oidei
io solicii coiieci iesponses.
) 1he Leacher's quesLlonlng Lechnlque ls Lhe key ln
encouraglng sLudenLs Lo ask correcL relevanL and hlgh
level quesLlon Per quesLlon can serve as a good
:) Aiiend io ileii quesiion. Avoid dismissing iiielevani
quesiions. Assisi in claiifying oi iefocusing in oidei
io solicii coiieci iesponses.
3) ralse Lhe correcLly formulaLed quesLlons lL develops
confldence and makes knowledge search easy and
4) AlloL an approprlaLe Llme sloL for open quesLlonlng 1hls
wlll encourage Lhe slow Lhlnker Lo parLlclpaLe freely
3) ralse Lhe correcLly formulaLed quesLlons lL develops
confldence and makes knowledge search easy and
4) AlloL an approprlaLe Llme sloL for open quesLlonlng 1hls
wlll encourage Lhe slow Lhlnker Lo parLlclpaLe freely

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