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Infant Development and Milestones Age in Months 1 Breaths through nose; Expresses self with crying; Looks at parents

faces as they talk to infant; 2 Posterior fontanel closed; Holds head up while sitting; Looks for sounds; Coos; social smile 3 Holds head more erect when sitting; Holds objects, but does not reach for them; Turns head and looks for sounds; Squeals, babbles, coos; Recognizes familiar faces; Aware of strange situations; 7 Upper central incisors; Parachute reflex; Bounces when held in standing position; Transfers objects from one hand to the other; Unidextrous; Responds to name; Develops taste preferences; Talks when others are talking; Attracts attention; Biting or mouthing; 11 Lower lateral incisors; Walks while holding onto furniture; Drops objects intentionally to be picked up; Rolls ball on request; 4 Drooling; Balances head in sitting position; Plays with hands; Laughs out loud; Enjoys social interaction;

5 Teeth starting to erupt; Double birth weight; Feet to mouth when supine; Head held steady in sitting position; Looks for dropped objects; Smiles at self in mirror; Discovery of body parts; Squeals and coos; Knows strangers from family; 9 Upper lateral incisors; Pulls to standing position; Creeps on hands and knees; Dominate hand use; Responds to simple commands; Fear of being alone or going to bed;

6 Chewing and biting; Growth rate declines; Imitates sounds; Talks to toys; Fears strangers;

8 Regular bowel and bladder patterns; Sits unsupported; May stand while holding furniture; Reaches for toys; Improved pincher grasp; Anxious over loss of parents; Responds to no;

10 Able to raise head; Changes from prone to sitting position; Understands byebye; Imitates behavior; Object permanence;

12 Tripled birth weight; Head and chest circumference equal; Anterior fontanel almost closed; Starting to walk on own or with one hand held; Follows rapidly moving objects; 3-5 word vocabulary

Age in Months in addition to mama and dada; Imitates animal sounds; Clings to parents; May have security blanket or toy; (Hockenberry & Wilson, 2011)

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