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«iy WY Figure v-1 s Figure v-2 50 CHAPTER THE HORIZONTAL SYSTEM In the Horizontal house system, the horizon is divided into twelve 30 degree arcs (beginning at the East point) by six verti- cal circles (great circles through the zenith and nadir). Where these vertical circles intersect the ecliptic measure the longi- tudes of the Horizontal house cusps (Figure V-1). Observe that the 10th and 4th Horizontal house cusps are the MC and IC as usual, but the 1st Horizontal house cusp is the Antivertex (in- stead of the Ascendant) and the 7th Horizontal house cusp is the Vertex (instead of the Descendant). HORIZONTAL MUNDANE POSITION In the Horizontal system two points are considered to be conjunct (have the same Mundane Position) if they lie on the same vertical circle. Mundane Position in the Horizontal system will be called East point distance (EPD), i.e., the EPD of a point is the arc measured along the horizon from the East (or West) point to the intersection with the vertical circle passing through the point (Figure V-2). When Horizontal Mundane Position is expressed on a scale of 0 to 360 degrees (measured along the horizon in an easterly direction from the North point to the intersection with the vertical circle through the point), then it is termed the azimuth (AZ) of the point. EAST POINT DISTANCE Referring to Figure Iv-4, there are ten possible locations for a body in any given quadrant. Consider a 2nd Quadrant case 6, where body S lies between the equator and the prime vertical (Figure v-2). To compute the EPD of body S, consider the triangle whose sides are arcs of the horizon (= A in the figure), the hour circle through S$ (= B), and the equator (= co MD). Call the angle between the horizon and hour circle K. The angle between the horizon and equator equals co g. Then by Rule 7, cos co 9 = tan co MD cot A or A = Arctan (cot MD / sin 9) By Rule 9, sin co MD = tan B cot co @ or B = Arctan (cos MD cot 9) By Rule 4, cos K = cos co MD sin co @ or cos K = sin MD cos 9 Consider the triangle whose sides are arcs of the hour circle through S (= C), the horizon (= F), and the vertical circle through S. The angle between the horizon and hour circle equals K, and C is numerically equal to B - D (since D < 0 here) where D is the declination of S. Then by Rule 8, 51 cos K = tan F cot C and substituting for cos K, sin MD cos @ = t: an F cot C or F = Arctan (sin MD cos 9 tan C) Then the East point distance of body S is given by: EPD = A-F and its azimuth equals 270 + EPD (since the azimuth of the West point = 270). EPD AND AZIMUTH ALGORITHM The general algorithm for computing the EPD and azimuth of a body 1s as follows: 1. I£ MD = 0 then EPD = 90 and If 9 > O then I£ MD is UMD then AZ = 180 If MD is LMD then AZ = 0 If 9 < 0 then I£ MD is UMD then AZ = 0 If MD is LMD then AZ = 180 2. I£ MD = 90 then EPD = Arctan (cos @ tan D), where D is the declination of the body. Ifthe body lies in Quadrants 1 or 4, then AZ = 90 - EPD If the body lies in Quadrants 2 or 3, then AZ = 270 + EPD Observe that this formula allows the EPD to be negative. 3. If O < MD < 90 then let A = Arctan (cot MD / sin |9|) B = Arctan (cos MD cot ||) If @ > 0 then If MD is UMD then let C = If MD is LMD then let C = If @ < 0 then If MD is UMD then let C = If MD is LMD then let C = where D is the declination of the body. wo we ' vo oo 4. Let F = Arctan (sin MD cos 9 tan C) and EPD = [A - F| If 9 > 0 then If the body lies in Quadrants 1 or 4 then I£ MD is UMD then AZ = 90 + A - F If MD is LMD then AZ = 90 - A + F If the body lies in Quadrants 2 or 3 then If MD is UMD then AZ = 270 - A+ F If MD is LMD then AZ = 270 + A - F If 9 < 0 then If the body lies in Quadrants 1 or 4 then If MD is UMD then AZ = 90- A+F If MD is LMD then AZ = 90 + A - F If the body lies in Quadrants 2 or 3 then If MD is UMD then AZ = 270+ A-F I£ MD is LMD then AZ = 270 - A+ F 52

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