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1ransmlsslon llnes are speclallzed cable deslgned Lo carry alLernaLlng currenL of radlo frequency

1ransmlsslon llnes are noL waveguldes buL Lhey serve Lhe same funcLlon
1xLlnL 2003 sofLware can calculaLe parameLers of Lransmlsslon llnes 8y enLerlng physlcal layouL
consLanLs lL may calculaLe Lhe elecLrlcal consLanLs lL may be vlce versa 1hrough Lhls sofLware we
would be able Lo compare Lhe dlfferenL klnd of Lransmlsslon llnes Lhrough comparlng Lhem ln Lerms of
Lhe maLerlal parameLers elecLrlcal characLerlsLlcs and physlcal characLerlsLlcs 1he sofLware ls as shown
ln flgure 1 Showlng Lhe dlfferenL Lypes of mlcrowave Lransmlsslon llne Lhe maLerlal parameLers
elecLrlcal parameLers and physlcal characLerlsLlcs

llgure 1 1xLlnL 2003 SlMuLA1C8
1he dlelecLrlc and Lhe conducLor of Lhe Lransmlsslon llnes are changeable LhaL changes Lhelr
cerLaln characLerlsLlcs llgure 2 shows Lhe klnds of dlelecLrlc and conducLor avallable ln Lhe slmulaLor

llgure 2 ulLLLC18lC and CCnuuC1C8
ln uslng Lhe slmulaLor make sure you use Lhe unlL of measure LhaL you are famlllar wlLh and
make sure lL's appllcable for Lhe Lype of Lransmlsslon llne you are plannlng Lo sLudy ln Lhls paper meLrlc
sysLem ls used
1he dlfferenL Lype of Lransmlsslon llnes are MlcroSLrlp SLrlpllne CW CW Cround 8ound
Coaxlal SloLllne Coupled MS Llne and Coupled SLrlpllne
MlcrosLrlp Lransmlsslon llnes are known Lo be as Lhe mosL common Lype of Lransmlsslon llnes
for lnLerconnecLs lL ls very slmple yeL useful way Lo creaLe a Lransmlsslon llne wlLh a C8

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