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Basic Web Technologies

Introduction :
Part 1:- Basic Web technologies. Part 2:- Web technologies for mobiles(Android, Bada)(In collaboration with Dani Aarnout). Part 3:- Advanced Web technologies.

Basic Web-technologies:
Introduction to basic HTML. JavaScript. PHP. AJAX.

Introduction to a specific coder software.

Simple coders( NOTEPAD++, Kape, Gedit). WYSIWG(Dreamweaver).

Why not Dreamweaver for starters?

Making the simple complicated is commonplace; making the complicated simple, awesomely simple, thats creativity. Charles Mingus Dreamweaver will never make one a good programmer, while coding it eases programming by showing the programmer with required tags and also the color content. Just try to think which one is better programmer among these two: 1. I choose color from a chart with dreamweaver. 2.I make a simple calculation using hexadecimals #xxxx..

Once you become a good programmer, you can shift to Dreamweaver to make your websites more pleasant.

Why Notepad++?
Great indentation.

Why notepad++?
Easily find your errors for php by jumping to the required numbered lines. Show demonstration.

Link for NOTEPAD++:

Why notepad++?
Notepad++ is trying to reduce the world carbon dioxide emissions. When using less CPU power, the PC can throttle down and reduce power consumption, resulting in a greener environment.

Coming next
Introduction to basic HTML

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