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The strong, silent type

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Does your alarm clock wake up everyone in the neighbourhood except you? Now you can safely turn off the sound on your alarm clock and not have to worry about oversleeping. The new alarm clock from Bellman & Symfon wakes you with a high-intensity flashlight, powerful vibrations and sound

directly in the pillow perfect when you need to get up on time without waking others. Connect it to the Bellman Visit alerting system and you will also know when the doorbell or phone rings or if the smoke detector is activated. Learn more at:

Action on Hearing Loss

Contact us for more information:,, Tel 01733 361199, TTY 01733 238020,, Tel 01582 431000

Hollyoaks star Rachel Shenton New work on restoring hearing Better access to tourist attractions Getting cochlear implants

Williams story
December/January 2012

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