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tuppence a bag by Angelo Legaspi on Tuesday, March 22, 2011 at 11:24am May, 2004.

i was with my former fiance at Baclaran church that afternoon waiting for Wednesday's mass to begin. the area was overwhelmingly crowded with people and the hall was full of devotees with no available seats to occupy. obviously, standing is the only option to choose. at that moment, we decided to buy something to munch while waiting. we came to a nut vendor and ordered a handful of peanuts "mani" to bring. suddenly, a beggar come up to me dressed with tattered shirt and stretched his hand for some alms. instead he demand for a coin then i said, "Manong, maniwala ka sa akin na mas matigas pa itong barya kaysa sa mani". "Sir, believe me this penny is much tougher than this peanut". i do not have a slightest idea why he turned his back and leave with an expression of grouch in his face. his eyes are peaceful with his face grown sad. the hair gradually disappear and you can notice those missing fangs. immediately i offered him my "mani" and was surprised when he refuse to accept it.


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