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sex differentiated preferences by Angelo Legaspi on Sunday, August 28, 2011 at 5:06pm

according to a research study of some authors, when it comes to defining the choice of selecting a partner to both sexes of male and female perspectives, each were primarily draw differently to a stage where both none complied; then, somehow equally rallied to a period - a break even point, where the two species can both now accept, tend, and have a similar response at each other in every respect.

in a male's perspective of choosing a female partner, a woman's character is considered less significant to a young breed; and, only appears central when a male reached his age of maturity.

the preferences are extremely ideal in selecting a partner for a woman with an earlier age; then, decreases after realizing the fact of not getting any younger.

by combining each attributes, the two distinct individuals shows there's a certain period wherein a mutual feeling will be matched; and, with that given proper age, an assessment will be formed.

what people said and did in choosing a perfect partner were a different matter is certainly i am not concerned of. oOo

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