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to infinity and beyond by Angelo Legaspi on Thursday, April 14, 2011 at 5:49pm it has been fifty years when

man journeyed into space with an impressive achievement since the invention of the wheel. curiosity that lead his persistence to seep in to the unimaginable point of optimism with the aim of creating an avenue of visible break into another generation. once again, man demonstrated his potential in developing a means to achieve and exceed his limit for the purpose of further discovery with an exemplary status of man as a thinking man, an exceptional being, an avant-garde. communication, navigation, forecast, and research; artificial satellites have been send off orbiting the world. thanks to satellites, our technology now is in its premium niche with advanced and sophisticated means to satisfy own's reverie: internet connections, voice and data transmissions, scientific research, remote navigation control, entertainment, so as breaching the gap of re-discovering our world we lived in, a fact that we have reached the final human destination, i suppose.

all men centered their attention on that first launch of vostok 1 on April 12, 1961 to space, an unforgettable memory. followed by numerous attempts and flights of certain space missions from various countries globally from then on known as space race. with the concept of

on december 30, 1983 when IRAS satellite discovered a mysteriously heavenly body possibly as large as the giant planet jupiter, astronomers from different nations sets their telescope, gazing at the stars, and searching for its authenticity.

18 years after, news spread about this new line of the story: nibirua threat or another piece of discovery. with an attempt to fickle the mind, people saw the possibility of its existence and its impact that even hollywood created a movie about this end of the world. how drastic we envision ourselves in perfection and enhancement yet so transitory and that all started in sending man in to space. oOo

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