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wOkk PL4c

What |s nyg|ene
8ranch of sc|ence that dea|s w|th the promot|on and preservat|on of
Set of pract|ces perce|ved by a commun|ty to be assoc|ated w|th the
preservat|on of hea|th and hea|thy ||v|ng
In modern med|ca| sc|ences there |s a set of standards of hyg|ene
recommended for d|fferent s|tuat|ons what |s cons|dered hyg|en|c or not
can vary between d|fferent cu|tures genders
Some regu|ar hyg|en|ca||y pract|ces may be cons|dered good hab|ts by a
soc|ety wh||e the neg|ect of hyg|ene can be cons|dered d|sgust|ng
d|srespectfu| or even threaten|ng
oncept of nyg|ene
It's an o|d concept as we|| as to persona| and profess|ona| care pract|ces
re|ated to most aspects of ||v|ng
In med|c|ne and |n home (domest|c) and everyday ||fe sett|ngs hyg|ene
pract|ces are emp|oyed as preventat|ve measures to reduce the |nc|dence and
spread|ng of d|sease
In the manufacture of food pharmaceut|ca| cosmet|c and other products
good hyg|ene |s a key part of qua||ty assurance |e ensur|ng that the product
comp||es w|th m|crob|a| spec|f|cat|ons appropr|ate to |ts use
oncept of nyg|ene
1he terms c|ean||ness and hyg|ene are often used |nterchangeab|y wh|ch can
cause confus|on
In genera| hyg|ene most|y means pract|ces that prevent spread of d|sease
caus|ng organ|sms
|ean|ng processes (eg hand wash|ng) remove |nfect|ous m|crobes as we|| as
d|rt and so|| they are often the means to ach|eve hyg|ene
nyg|ene pract|ces vary w|de|y and what |s cons|dered acceptab|e |n
one cu|ture m|ght not be acceptab|e |n another
Med|ca| nome 1o||et]Washroom Iood]antry ersona| S|eep
na|r Sk|n
nands Na||s
Ieet Menstruat|on
Med|ca| nyg|ene
Adm|n|strat|on of med|c|ne and med|ca| care that prevents or m|n|m|zes
d|sease and the spread|ng of d|sease
It |nc|udes
Iso|at|on or quarant|ne of |nfect|ous persons or mater|a|s to prevent
spread of |nfect|on
Ster|||zat|on of |nstruments used |n surg|ca| procedures
Use of protect|ve c|oth|ng and barr|ers such as masks gowns caps
eyewear and g|oves
roper bandag|ng and dress|ng of |n[ur|es
Med|ca| nyg|ene
Safe d|sposa| of med|ca| waste
D|s|nfect|on of reusab|es (|e ||nen pads un|forms)
Scrubb|ng up handwash|ng espec|a||y |n an operat|ng room but |n
more genera| hea|thcare sett|ngs as we|| where d|seases can be
nome] Lveryday nyg|ene
nyg|ene pract|ces that prevent or m|n|m|ze d|sease and the spread|ng of
d|sease |n home (domest|c) and |n everyday ||fe sett|ngs such as soc|a|
sett|ngs pub||c transport the work p|ace pub||c p|aces etc
nyg|ene |n home and everyday ||fe sett|ngs p|ays an |mportant part |n
prevent|ng spread of |nfect|ous d|seases
1he ma|n sources of |nfect|on |n the homeare peop|e (who are carr|ers or
are |nfected) foods (part|cu|ar|y raw foods) water and domest|c an|ma|s
nome nyg|ene
Accumu|ated stagnant water
such as s|nks to||ets waste p|pes c|ean|ng too|s face c|oths
read||y support m|crob|a| growth and can become secondary reservo|rs of
|nfect|on though spec|es are most|y those that threaten "at r|sk" groups
Germs (potent|a||y |nfect|ous bacter|a v|ruses etc) are constant|y shed from
these sources v|a mucous faces vom|t sk|n sca|es etc
1hus when c|rcumstances comb|ne peop|e become exposed e|ther d|rect|y or
v|a food or water and can deve|op an |nfect|on
1he ma|n "h|ghways" for spread of germs |n the home are the hands hand and
food contact surfaces and c|ean|ng c|oths and utens||s
ersona| nyg|ene
Ma|nta|n|ng good persona| hyg|ene |s a matter of comp|et|ng hea|thy
act|v|t|es every day to ensure c|ean||ness
Ior |ad|es wash your ha|r at |east once a week
Ior man wash your ha|rs da||y us|ng soap or m||d shampoo
Avo|d shampoos w|th borax or a|ka||s
k|nse we|| 1h|s |s more |mportant than work|ng up a head |oad of
Dry your ha|r after a wash
8rush your ha|r three to four t|mes a day w|th a soft br|st|ed brush or a
w|de toothed comb Wash your brush and comb every t|me you wash
your ha|r
C|| the sca|p once a week preferab|y an hour before ha|r wash
Soap and water are essent|a| for keep|ng the sk|n c|ean
A good bath once or tw|ce a day |s recommended espec|a||y |n country ||ke UAL
1hose who are |nvo|ved |n act|ve sports or work out to a sweat wou|d do we|| to
take a bath after the act|v|ty
A m||d soap w||| do the [ob adequate|y Germ|c|da| or ant|sept|c soaps are not
essent|a| for the da||y bath ou can use a bath sponge for scrubb|ng
8athe everyday or take frequent showers
It |s actua||y very |mportant to have regu|ar baths not [ust to make you fee| fresh |t
|s a|so a means to prevent d|seases caused by be|ng d|rty and unkempt
ou may use soap or shower ge|s to wash away body d|rt and make use of m||d
shampoo for your ha|r
8rush your teeth at |east three t|mes a day or very after mea|
Cra| hyg|ene |s a cruc|a| aspect of ma|nta|n|ng overa|| hea|th
8efore p|ague and tooth decays deve|op start brush|ng your teeth |n a
regu|ar bas|s to avo|d germ accumu|at|on |n your mouth that can |n[ure
|ntegr|ty of your teeth
Wh||e brush|ng pay attent|on to the fact that you are gett|ng r|d of the
food part|c|es stuck |n between the teeth and |n the crev|ces of the f|atter
teeth at the back the mo|ars and pre mo|ars
8rush down on the upper teeth and brush up on the |ower teeth Use a
c|rcu|ar mot|on ay attent|on to the tongue and the |nner surface of teeth
as we||
1he brush shou|d have res|||ent br|st|es
It shou|d be r|nsed we|| and |eft to dry after use
1here are no perfect toothpastes or powders
Use toothpastes or powders w|thout harsh abras|ves or strong ant|sept|cs
Wash hands thorough|y w|th soap and water before and after every
mea| and after v|s|t|ng the to||et
Soap|ng and r|ns|ng shou|d cover the areas between f|ngers na||s and
back of the hand
nands shou|d be dr|ed w|th a c|ean towe| after wash 1he towe| at the
wash stand has to be washed and changed everyday
Wh||e cook|ng espec|a||y when pack|ng |unches you can prevent food
from spo||age and m|n|m|ze contam|nat|on by keep|ng your hands
Wh||e hand||ng food avo|d scratch|ng or touch|ng the ears nose
mouth or other body or|f|ces
If you need to use a handkerch|ef or t|ssue wash your hands after
keep your na||s short
Na|| o||sh users shou|d see that |t does not ch|p off |nto the food
It takes f|ve months for na||s to rep|ace themse|ves
Grow na||s on|y |f you can keep them c|ean
Short na||s make |ess troub|e ||p na||s short a|ong the|r shape
Dont cut them so c|ose that |t p|nches the sk|n
A heo/thy body ensures heo/thy noi/s
8r|tt|e or d|sco|ored na||s show up def|c|enc|es or d|sease
Do not keep your na||s pa|nted cont|nuous|y
It causes the kerat|n of wh|ch na||s are made to sp||t
amper your hands and na||s once every three weeks w|th a
1h|s requ|res soak|ng your hands |n warm water for ten m|nutes
massag|ng of hands thorough c|ean|ng and shap|ng of na||s
1r|m your f|ngerna||s and toena||s
It |s very necessary to ensure that d|rt w||| not go |ns|de the
subunga| areas of your f|ngers you m|ght use |t as you eat and
expect you have a|ready taken |n germs and other pathogens
G|ve your feet a good scrub w|th a sponge pum|ce stone or foot scrubber
that |s not made of very abras|ve mater|a| when hav|ng a bath
Dry after bath between toes keep toena||s c||pped
1hose who use shoes constant|y need to s||p them off now and then
1h|s a|rs the socks a b|t and makes them |ess sme||y weor cotton socks
Wear a c|ean pa|r everyday owder your feet before wear|ng socks
Many peop|e have sweaty feet and socks and shoes can get qu|te sme||y
If poss|b|e do not wear the same pa|r of shoes every day
Go for a ped|cure once |n three weeks
1o||et] Washroom hyg|ene |s a necess|ty |n today's env|ronment
1o||et et|quettes |s a|| about hyg|ene and c|ean||ness
W 1he appearance of washrooms p|ay an equa||y cr|t|ca| ro|e |n the pub||c's
percept|on of bu||d|ngs hea|th
W 1he average emp|oyee goes to the washroom 33 t|mes per day so there
|s a good opportun|ty to transm|t germs back and forth
W Stud|es show that v|ruses and severa| fam|||es of potent|a||y harmfu|
bacter|a ex|sts on pub||c washroom surface
W 8acter|a and v|ruses can mu|t|p|y up to two fo|ds every 20 m|nutes
W Germs espec|a||y feca| bacter|a can a|so be shot |nto the a|r when a
to||et f|ushes
W 1he aeroso| c|oud of a f|ushed to||et can spread up to S feet from the
If you wa|k |nto washroom and encounter a d|st|nct perfume sme|| It |s
|nd|cat|on of an odor prob|em that someone |s try|ng to mask they say
And |f the washroom free of odors means that a prevent|ve ma|ntenance
system |s tak|ng care of any potent|a| odor prob|em
Why |t occurs?
1he most common m|stake made when try|ng to get r|d of ma|odors |s us|ng
the wrong product |n an app||cat|on
Another fact |s that they don't spend the t|me necessary to do the [ob
proper|y as nobody ||kes to c|ean ur|na|s and to||ets
1hey th|nk they can do an adequate [ob by qu|ck|y pass|ng a swab around the
outs|de of a commode and f|ush|ng a chem|ca|
1he other m|stake |s that they attempt to mask bad odor as opposed to
p|npo|nt|ng the source and e||m|nat|ng the prob|em
revent|ve Measures
1horough c|ean|ng of 1o||ets and rest of the washroom for that matter |s not
on|y g|amorous but |ts great |mportance can't be |gnored
It requ|res a good dea| of know|edge sk||| and hard work
1he r|ght products comb|ned w|th a thoughtfu| workab|e system and good
end user educat|on must be effect|ve defense aga|nst fu|| washroom odor
It |s accomp||shed by adopt|ng comprehens|ve system based approach
roducts used to contro| odors |n washroom such as
Lnzyme c|eaners
Ac|d 1o||et 8ow| |eaner
A|r Ireshener
must a|| work together to produce an odor free washroom exper|ence
Large amounts of bacter|a can be found on ur|na|s and other to||et surfaces
Why |t occurs?
1he prob|ems of ur|na| sme||s and b|ockage are a|| too common
8|o I||ms forms on the ur|na| waste trap dra|n and p|pe work prov|d|ng an
|dea| env|ronment for bad bacter|a to grow
Ur|c Sa|ts and sca|e then bu||d up and a|ong w|th c|garette buds gums and
other fore|gn matter causes b|ockages
now |t can be prevented?
It can be done by 3 step ur|na| hyg|ene program
Step 1 ub|c|e nyg|ene 1reatment r|mary De sca|e |ean|ng
In th|s removes sca|e ur|c sa|t bu||d up from washroom surfaces Dur|ng th|s
to||et san|t|z|ng stage staff w||| be c|ean|ng the to||et seat under the r|m of
the to||et the |mmed|ate f|oor surround|ng the to||et and other san|taryware
surfaces w||| be treated
now |t can be prevented?
Step 2 |nk nyg|ene So|ut|ons 1o||et San|t|z|ng System
1he san|t|zer has been des|gned to prov|de ongo|ng protect|on aga|nst the
bu||d up of sca|e and prevent bacter|a| |nfect|on Washroom hyg|ene
treatment works by re|eas|ng a spec|a||y formu|ated so|ut|on |nto the f|ush to
combat sca|e bu||d up and prevent the spread of |nfect|on as a resu|t of the
'sneeze' effect
Step 3 Cn go|ng washroom nyg|ene 1reatment rogram
1h|s b|month|y c|ean|ng program |s schedu|ed to ma|nta|n the cub|ca| area to
the standard of the pr|mary de sca|e serv|ce 1h|s enta||s carry|ng out a regu|ar
hyg|ene treatment program on a|| surfaces of the to||et that are untouched by
treated f|ush water the rema|n|ng p|umb|ng f|xtures and the |mmed|ate f|oor
surround|ng the to||et
roper hand hyg|ene starts w|th re||ab|e soap d|spensers
1horough handwash|ng w|th soap and water after us|ng the to||et w|||
contr|bute to ma|nta|n|ng good hea|th
In fact |t can reduce bacter|a present on hands by up to 80
Improper hand wash|ng can |ead to the spread of |nfect|ons and |||nesses such
as stomach bugs f|u and even the common co|d
8ar soaps often a||ow bacter|a to thr|ve |n the|r warm and mo|st surfaces
1hus prefer to use a touch free soap d|spenser prov|d|ng washroom v|s|tors
w|th a greater |eve| of hyg|ene
roper hand hyg|ene cont|nues w|th the correct hand dry|ng so|ut|on us|ng
paper towe| d|spensers or warm a|r dryers
roper hand dry|ng |s cr|t|ca| after you've washed your hands as damp hands
can transfer up to 1000 t|mes more bacter|a than dry hands
1herefore |t |s |mportant to choose a hand dry|ng so|ut|on that |s eff|c|ent and
keep your washroom stocked w|th to||et paper hand towe| paper and
other essent|a| washroom supp||es and products
L|ft your washroom to a new |eve| w|th aper D|spensers 1o||et aper
aper nand 1owe| and aper W|pers
1hese products range from [umbo ro||s for the bus|est washrooms to
fo|ded to||et paper for sma|| exc|us|ve washrooms cover|ng a w|de
var|ety of washroom demands
1he extens|ve range of hand w|p|ng products makes hand dry|ng a
p|easant exper|ence wh||st |ower|ng towe| wastage and he|p|ng to
|mprove hyg|ene
Da||y washroom ma|ntenance c|ean|ng procedures do not a|ways remove the
bu||d up of bacter|a| growth hard water depos|ts and sca|es
Why we need |t?
kegu|ar deep c|ean|ng ensures a hea|thy env|ronment and he|ps e||m|nate
odor prob|ems as c|ean|ng |s ach|eved |n areas not norma||y access|b|e
8e hyg|en|c a|ways
kespect the r|ghts of other to pr|vacy and c|ean||ness
I|ush the to||et after use
1o||et brush |s for c|ean|ng the |ns|de of the to||et bow| after you have used
the to||et check whether you need to use |t
Squat on|y on squatt|ng to||ets pedestr|an to||ets are for s|tt|ng on on|y
Avo|d mess|ng the to||et seat If you do c|ean up after yourse|f proper|y
Wh||e at the ur|na| never turn to |ook d|rect|y or s|deways at anyone stand|ng there
Guys stand c|ose enough to the ur|na| so that you don't dr|bb|e on the f|oor
Use exhaust fan so you don't asphyx|ate yourse|f or next occupant
S|t on the pan |f you are unsteady on your feet
G|r|s san|tary napk|ns shou|d not be f|ushed down the to||et but be wrapped and
d|sposed of |n a su|tab|e receptac|e
Wash your hands thorough|y after your bus|nesswhatever |t |s
Washroom Lt|quettes
Do not take read|ng mater|a|s |n to||et
Don't peek under the doors knock |f the cub|c|e appears to be occup|ed
Lock the cub|c|e door when you enter ou may embarrass someone
Lad|es avo|d tak|ng the|r hand bags |n washrooms
Don't ||tter the p|ace
8ab|es d|sposab|e napp|es must not be bur|ed or |eft |n the bush but taken
away to be d|sposed of proper|y
Iunny Not|ces
Iood nyg|ene
W lL ls a broad Lerm used Lo descrlbe Lhe
preservaLlon and preparaLlon of foods ln a
manner LhaL ensures Lhe food ls safe for
human consumpLlon
D|fference between Iood Spo||age and Iood
W Iood Spo||age
lgn of spollage ln food
are evldenL
Can be assessed by
change ln smell LasLe
LexLure and appearance
W Iood o|son|ng
-o vlslble slgns of
polsonlng ln food
Can be assessed by
Mlcroblologlcal 1esL
ontam|nat|on of Iood
W lL means maklng a food unsafe for lLs lnLended
use by Lhe addlLlon or Lransfer of undeslrable
mlcrobe or forelgn subsLance
W Cross ConLamlnaLlon ls Lhe Lransfer of bacLerla
from 8aw food Lo 8eady1oLaL food dlrecLly
or lndlrecLly
W Cne of Lhe mosL common causes of food
ontam|nants and 1ypes
W 1hese are called as Pazards
W 1ypes of hazards
W 8loloqlcol bozotJ llke boctetlo
W cbemlcol bozotJ llke pestlclJes
W lbyslcol bozotJ llke bolt lo fooJ
W looJ Alletqy
9ersonal Pyglene
W Laff should always wash Lhelr hands before
preparlng food
9ersonal Pyglene
W All sLaff should wear clean work cloLhes when
worklng wlLh food
W 1hey should change lnLo clean work cloLhes
before sLarLlng work and should noL wear
Lhese cloLhes ouLslde food preparaLlons areas
9ersonal Pyglene
W ldeally work cloLhes should be
W ooqsleeveJ
W lqbt coloteJ(to sbow tbe Jltt)
W No extetool pockets
W No otJlooty bottoos
W lL ls a good pracLlce for sLaff Lo keep halr Lled
back and wear haL or helmeL when preparlng
9ersonal Pyglene
W Laff should noL wear waLches or [ewelry
when preparlng food
W Laff should noL smoke drlnk eaL or chew
gum whlle handllng food
W Laff should avold Louchlng Lhelr face or nose
and should avold coughlng and sneezlng
9ersonal Pyglene
W Laff should be flL for work" 1hls means LhaL
Lhey musL noL be sufferlng from or carrylng
lllness or dlsease LhaL could cause a problem
wlLh food safeLy
W lf Lhey are sufferlng Lhey should reporL Lo
Lhelr manager
W lL can be one of Lhe Lop causes of cross conLamlnaLlon
W use slngleuse cloLhs wherever posslble and Lhrow
Lhem away afLer each Lask
W LrlcLly use slngleuse cloLhs or paper Lowels for
followlng [obs
W Jlploq sotfoces
W Mopploq op spllls
W Jlploq booJs
W Jlploq slJes of Jlsbes befote setvloq
W utyloq loqteJleots
Coverlng lood
W lL ls lmporLanL Lo keep food covered Lo help
proLecL lL from harmful bacLerla
W Always use conLalners or bags LhaL have been
deslgned Lo sLore food
W uggesLed food coverlng lnclude klLchen foll
Cllng fllm plasLlc boxes wlLh llds or freezer
bags vacuum bags polyLhene bags
9esL ConLrol
W LffecLlve pesL conLrol ls essenLlal Lo keep pesLs
ouL of premlses and prevenL Lhem from
spreadlng harmful bacLerla
W Check your panLry or sLores regularly for slgn
of pesLs
W keep exLernal areas Lldy and free from weeds
W Make sure blns have close flLLlng llds and are
easy Lo clean
1ypes of 9esLs
W 8aLs and Mlce
W lgn dropplngs holes ln walls and door
nesLs gnawed goods or packaglng grease or
smear mark urlne sLralns on food packaglng
W Cockroaches
W lgn eggs and egg cases molLed sklns" Lhe
lnsecLs Lhemselves dropplngs
1ypes of 9esLs
W AnLs
W lgn mall plles of sand or soll Lhe lnsecL
Lhemselves flylng anLs on hoL days
W 8eeLles and Weevlls
W lgn uropplngs dead nesLs bodles egg caslng
W 8lrds
W lgns leaLhers dropplngs nesL Lhe blrds
AcLlons Lo be Laken
W Check for pesLslgn regularly
W lf you see slgns of a pesL lnfesLaLlon reporL Lo
your supervlsor
W lf you Lhlnk any equlpmenL surface or uLensll
have been Louched by pesLs Lhey should be
washed and dlslnfecLed Lo sLop harmful
bacLerla from spreadlng
W lf you Lhlnk food has been Louched by pesLs
ln any way Lhrow lL away
W LffecLlve malnLenance ls essenLlal Lo allow you
Lo clean food faclllLles sLores and uLlllLles
properly and keep pesLs ouL
W 8egular malnLenance of Lhe equlpmenL should
be done Lo lmprove Lhelr efflclency
W 8epalr sLrucLural damages as soon as lL
happens eg damp/chlpped plasLer broken
Llles holes ln walls or wlndows
W Clean exLracLor fans and coollng unlLs fllLers
regularly Lo make sure Lhey worklng properly
and are free from grease and dlrL and noL
llable Lo conLamlnaLe food
W Make sure your cooklng hoL holdlng and
chllllng equlpmenLs are well malnLalned
callbraLed and worklng properly
9hyslcal Chemlcal Pazards
W lL ls very lmporLanL Lo prevenL physlcal ob[ecLs
and chemlcals geLLlng lnLo food
W lollow Lhe manufacLure's lnsLrucLlons on how
Lo use and sLore cleanlng chemlcals
W Lore cleanlng chemlcals separaLely from food
and make sure Lhey are clearly vlslble
W Make sure LhaL any chemlcals you use Lo
conLrol pesLs are used an sLored ln Lhe correcL
way and labeled
9hyslcal and Chemlcal Pazards
W Always clear and clean as you go and Lake care
Lo Lhrow away packaglng sLrlng eLc as soon as
you remove lL
W lL ls good pollcy Lo have a rule of no glass ln
Lhe panLry a Lhls helps Lo prevenL broken glass
geLLlng lnLo food
Cleanlng LffecLlvely
W LffecLlvely cleanlng ls essenLlal Lo geL rld of
harmful bacLerla and sLop Lhem spreadlng Lo
W lollow Lhe manufacLurer's lnsLrucLlons on
how Lo use cleanlng chemlcals
W lf you have manufacLurer's cleanlng
lnsLrucLlons for a plece of equlpmenL follow
Lhese lnsLrucLlons
Cleanlng LffecLlvely
W Wash work surfaces and equlpmenLs
Lhoroughly beLween Lasks
W 8egularly wash/wlpe and dlslnfecL all Lhe hlgh
rlsk lLems whlch are Louchlng by people
frequenLly llke Lap door handles llghL
swlLches phone recelvers can openers
drawers eLc
W 1hese musL glven llrsL 9rlorlLy ln cleanlng
Clear and Clean as you go
W keeplng your panLry clean and clear makes lL
W 1ake off ouLer packaglng before you brlng food
lnLo Lhe klLchen or sLoreroom
W Wash work surfaces Lhoroughly beLween
W use a new slngleuse cloLh Lo wlpe or dry work
surfaces before preparlng
Pand Washlng
W MalnLaln a safe sLandard of hand hyglene
W Make sure all sLaff wash Lhelr hand properly as
When enLerlng Lhe klLchen eg afLer a break
or comlng from LolleL
W AfLer empLylng blns
W AfLer cleanlng
W AfLer Louchlng readyLoeaLfood
Cleanlng 1erms
W ueLergenL/Cleaner
A chemlcal used Lo remove grease dlrL and
food used for general cleanlng
W ulslnfecLanL
A chemlcal used for dlslnfecLlon whlch kllls
mosL of Lhe bacLerla
Check LhaL surfaces are clean of grease dlrL
and food before you use lL
Cleanlng 1erms
W anlLlzer
lL ls a Lwolnone producL LhaL acLs as a deLergenL
and a dlslnfecLanL
9lease make sure Lo follow manufacLurer's
lnsLrucLlons whlle uslng lL
W Lerlllzer
lL ls a subsLance or heaL or radlanL or oLher LhaL
can klll and ellmlnaLe compleLely Lhe bacLerla
vlrus mold spores eLc
Lg sLeam very hoL alr ozone eLc

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