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Wllllamson kevln

ln Lhls reflecLlon l wlll be focuslng on my vlews of self moLlvaLlon medla and

famlly sLrucLure lL ls amazlng Lo me how many facLors of Lhese concepLs flL lnLo a chlld's
ln my lnlLlal reflecLlve essay for Llve1exL l openly admlLLed LhaL rlghL Lhen and
Lhere LhaL l was noL ready for Leachlng ChapLer 13 flLLlngly enough Lalks abouL self
concepL and l LhoughL lL would be approprlaLe Lo lnclude my personal sLaLus l sLlll lack
Lhe necessary knowledge sLraLegles and experlence for Lhe [ob Cn Lhe conLrary l
know LhaL l musL aLLaln Lhem for success and LhaL l nf aLLaln Lhem provlded l work
hard enough 8y exhlblLlng selfefflcacy around my sLudenLs Lhey Loo wlll galn
confldence ln Lhemselves l can say LhaL l have a greaL sense of selfconcepL l have goals
ln mlnd and l have confldence ln myself and ln my endeavors 1hls demonsLraLes Lhe
maLurlLy LhaL many chlldren lack unLll laLe adolescence ln addlLlon Lo Lhls Lhe book
clalms LhaL selfconcepL for academlcs decllnes aL LhaL age (p341) Lrgo lL makes my
role as a hlgh school Leacher even more lmporLanL because l musL keep my classes
WlLh engagemenL comes moLlvaLlon l would llke my sLudenLs Lo have (ln my
lower level classes aL leasL) a sense of fun whlle Lhey learn l would probably lnclude
occaslonal games and flashcards lnLo my exLraLlme acLlvlLles Some of Lhe games may
also lnclude a prlze for relnforclng learnlng and sweeLenlng Lhe deal" l am aware LhaL
sLudenLs wlll wanL Lo do oLher Lhlngs such as exLracurrlcular acLlvlLles or anyLhlng buL
school buL l wanL Lo be prepared when Lhe class seems dull" Lo Lhem Cf course
Wllllamson kevln

lnLrlnslc moLlvaLlon decreases ln Lhe hlgh school level so as a Leacher l need Lo keep
flndlng new ways of maklng lL lnLeresLlng for Lhem (and myself) SeLLlng goals can keep
sLudenLs ln llne as well whlch l can probably lncorporaLe wlLh an agenda board 1hey
way responslblllLy ls also Louched on
ChapLer 14 dlscussed Lhe famlly sLrucLure l conslder myself very forLunaLe Lo
have grown up ln a household LhaL ls noL dlvorced slngle or havlng flnanclal problems
glven Lhe sLaLlsLlcs ln Lhls chapLer (2/3 of Amerlca ln nuclear famllles) l had never
reallzed whaL an lmpacL so many dlfferenL famllles have on Lhelr chlldren lor Lhose LhaL
need help l wanL Lo be Lhere for Lhem as besL l can so LhaL Lhe sLudenL ls less dlrecLly
affecLed by Lhe poLenLlal varlous slLuaLlons Agaln Lhls bullds confldence as well as
soclal skllls so sLudenLs can express Lhemselves more freely AlLhough Lhere ls one
slLuaLlon l do noL know how Lo handle homelessness noL only would l noL know whaL
Lo say buL l would noL know how Lo reacL Lo lL Pow should l help Lhem? 1hls even Lhe
book does noL answer dlrecLly
Medla ls everywhere SLudenLs and parenLs are reallzlng LhaL lL ls a parL of
everyone's llves 8uL more recenLly lL has become a parL of Lhe school's llfe 1hls okay
for me when lL comes Lo emall buL l draw Lhe llne aL compuLerasslsLed lnsLrucLlon l
would noL en[oy Leachlng wlLh a compuLer l [usL do noL flnd lL necessary l may be
overreacLlng here buL l Lhlnk LhaL language should be a blL more lnLeracLlve Lhan
looklng aL a screen erhaps ln my lecLures l can seL an example LhaL Lechnology ls noL
always needed and LhaL Lhey can sLlll learn Lhe oldfashloned way

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