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Certificate in

Entrepreneurship and
By Brandon Davis

Cert|f|cate |n Lntrepreneursh|p and Innovat|on 1
Lthnogrophy Lrror! 8ookmark noL deflned
Cverv|ew 3
Interv|ew w|th a Sen|or N|cho|as 8|rk 8
Interv|ew w|th Academ|c Adv|sor k|ta 8aker 6
Interv|ew w|th a rofess|oa| Ian A||en 9
ersona| kef|ect|on 10

%abIe Of Contents
UsefuI Links

LnLrepreneurshlp lsn'L for everyone ?ou have Lo be dedlcaLed and wllllng Lo puL counLless hours lnLo
your work Are you someone who wanLs Lo work for a buslness? 8un a buslness? Cwn a buslness? Cr maybe
even someone who wanLs Lo change Lhe way buslness works? LnLrepreneurshlp ls noL for weak followers
buL for sLrong lndlvlduals wlLh greaL ldeas 1hough lL may noL be for everyone enLrepreneurshlp can work
for any lnLeresL MosL people Lhlnk you have Lo be ln buslness or managemenL Lo be an enLrepreneur buL
LhaL ls a common mlsconcepLlon
urdue ls a greaL place Lo learn abouL enLrepreneurshlp and even sLarL your own buslness urdue
has enLrepreneurshlp classes and a cerLlflcaLe of enLrepreneurshlp and lnnovaLlon 1hough some school
colleges and unlverslLles have enLrepreneurshlp ma[ors and mlnors urdue declded Lo have a cerLlflcaLe A
cerLlflcaLe allows people from any ma[or or and school wlLh ln urdue Lo learn abouL become a successful
enLrepreneur and obLalnlng Lhe cerLlflcaLe
8urLon u Morgan CenLer for LnLrepreneurshlp aL ulscovery ark ls Lhe bulldlng LhaL holds all Lhe
Lhlngs LhaL has Lo do wlLh enLrepreneurshlp ulscovery ark holds cenLers LhaL lead urdues largescale
lnLerdlsclpllnary research efforLs 1he 8urLon u Morgan CenLer for LnLrepreneurshlp fosLers Lhe
undersLandlng and appllcaLlon of enLrepreneurshlp wlLh faculLy and sLudenLs across Lhe urdue campus and
wlLh sLakeholders LhroughouL Lhe SLaLe ()
1he 8urLon u Morgan CenLer offers greaL programs compeLlLlons lnlLlaLlves and resources Some
examples are elevaLor plLch compeLlLlons and LnLrepreneurlal Leadershlp Academy 1he cenLer glves you
endless opporLunlLles [usL as Lhe paLh of enLrepreneurshlp does urdue offers Lhe resources for you and me
Lo become greaL buslness owners lf you Lake your classes Lo Lhe besL of your ablllLy and use Lhe resources
avallable you wlll do [usL flne
l have saL ln on one of Lhe classes for enLrepreneurshlp so l could Lell you how Lhe class operaLes and
whaL lL Lakes Lo do well ln Lhe class l also lnLervlew a senlor who wlll be recelvlng hls cerLlflcaLe ln May Lhe
academlc advlsor for Lhe cerLlflcaLe and already successful enLrepreneur urdue alum WlLh all of Lhese
peoples sLory l how you wlll undersLand whaL lL Lakes Lo geL Lhe cerLlflcaLe a llLLle blL more knowledge abouL
enLrepreneurshlp and some helpful hlnLs abouL urdue ln general
l opened Lhe door Lo Lhe unlverslLy bulldlng and l lnsLanLly goL losL l found Lhe class wlLh flve
mlnuLes Lo spare before lL sLarLed As close as l was Lhe door Lo Lhe classroom was closed and Lhe llghL was
off SlLLlng Lhere puzzled l walLed for someone Lo come by AbouL Lhree mlnuLes laLer people sLarLed Lo flow
lnLo Lhe classroom All of a sudden a swarm of people enLered Lhe classroom mosL of Lhem were whlLe
upperclassmen buL Lhere are a couple of glrls underclassman graduaLe sLudenLs and a handful of oLher
races Some were Lalklng some were sllenL and oLhers were eaLlng Lhelr lunch of a burger and frles 1he
class had good mlx of personallLles

udglng by Lhe sLudenLs l could Lell Lhls class was golng Lo be somewhaL lald back AfLer mosL
Lhe sLudenLs were ln Lhe classroom a man who screamed success walked ln Lhe class Pe walked over
Lo a podlum and sLarLed Lo unpack hls brown buslness looklng bag l guessed LhaL he was Mr
McLvoy Lhe class's professor Mr McLvoy along wlLh all of Lhe oLher enLrepreneurlal professors
was already a successful enLrepreneur l LhoughL Lo myself who else would be beLLer Lo Leach Lhese
classes Lhen someone already successful ln Lhe area l flnally walked ln Lhe classroom Lo lnLroduce
myself Lo Mr McLvoy When l walked ln l dld a qulck scan of Lhe classroom 1he fronL on Lhe class
had Lhe podlum LhaL Mr McLvoy was sLandlng aL a Lwo by one chalred Lable a black chalkboard
and a pro[ecLor screen wlLh a celllng mounLed pro[ecLor pro[ecLlng on lL 1he resL of Lhe room had
chalrs and desks shaped llke a u" wlLh Lwo more Lwo by one Lables l sald hello Lo Mr McLvoy and
Lold hlm who l was Mr McLvoy Lhen explalned who he was and showed me Lo my seaL on Lhe lefL
slde of Lhe second Lable ln Lhe mlddle l Look aL my lapLop Lo geL myself slLuaLed when Lhe professor
came back Lo ask me Lo lnLroduce myself Lo Lhe resL of Lhe class l closed my lapLop qulckly
lnLroduce myself and saL back down AlmosL lmmedlaLely afLer l flnlshed Mr McLvoy Look conLrol of
Lhe class Pe Lold everyone Lo geL ln Lhelr groups and geL ready Lo explaln Lhelr answers Lo a case
Lhey had been worklng on prlor Lo Lhls class
1he class Lransforms from scaLLered sLudenLs around Lhe room Lo consolldaLed well worklng
groups Lach group had a represenLaLlve Lo glve Lhelr LhoughLs and answers on Lhe case 1here was
loLs of whlsperlng and chaLLlng unLll flnally Croup Cne was ready Lo explaln Lhelr answer on Lhe
quesLlon of Laklng a conLracL wlLh more money buL more rlsk or noL AL flrsL people were sLlll a blL
loud unLll Lhe professor asked Lhem Lo quleL down Croup number Cne had a good speaker who
communlcaLed hls Leam's ldeas very well Croup lour Lalks nexL l looked around and l saw some
people were exLremely focused some were even Laklng whaL looked llke noLes 8uL some people
were [oklng around sLlll Lrylng Lo flgure ouL whaL Lhelr Leam was golng Lo say and some were sLlll
eaLlng Lhelr lunch l qulckly learned LhaL Lhls was a class where you goL whaL you puL ln AfLer group
four spoke Lhe professor challenged Lhe by asklng abouL a blgger sLory" Pe sald someLhlng abouL
belng a rlsk Laklng or playlng lL safe Pe Lalks abouL how mosL people who don'L Lake Lhe conLracL are
low rlsk Lakers and Lhe ones who go for Lhe money are hlgh rlsk Lakers Whlle he Lalks Lhe groups
sLarL Lo Lalk Lo each oLher and Lhemselves abouL Lhelr answers ldeas and vlewpolnLs AfLer llsLenlng
ln on some of Lhe Leams l learned LhaL each group has Lo submlL a paper explalnlng lf Lhey would
Lake Lhe money and conLracL or noL and why 1he class was glven a packeL of Lxcel spreadsheeLs
explalnlng flnanclal sLaLlsLlcs lL seems as Lhough you need a llLLle blL of background ln flnance before
you Lake Lhls course and Lhere ls a loL of appllcaLlon lnvolved

ln Lhe class Lhere are people ln many dlfferenL areas of sLudy and each person has someLhlng Lo
conLrlbuLe Lo Lhelr respecLlve groups 1hls requlres a level of knowledge and Lhe ablllLy Lo apply your
skllls and noL [usL wasLe Lhem AfLer Lhe professor challenged Lhe class Lhe class became quleLer and
more focused eople began Lo ralse Lhelr hands and Lhe class became a loL more lnLeracLlve AfLer a
llLLle blL a quesLlons and answers someone asked Lhe professors whaL hls LhoughLs were on Lhe case
sLudy Pe sald even Lhough Lhere was no rlghL or wrong answer he would Lake Lhe deal 1wenLy flve
mlnuLes of class had gone by and Lhe class was sLlll Lalklng abouL Lhe case sLudy LhaL's how lnLeresLed
and how lmporLanL Lhls asslgnmenL was Lo Lhem llnally afLer all Lhe quesLlons were asked and all of
Lhe answers were sald Lhe class had moved on Lo a dlfferenL Loplc Mr McLvoy passed ouL a packeL
Lalklng abouL how Lhe groups were golng Lo do a new Leam exerclse uslng someLhlng called L8luA
L8luA ls a calculaLlon of dlfferenL aspecLs of a company or buslness Lveryone ln Lhe class had Lo have
some background knowledge ln maLh Loo undersLand how Lo use L8luA All Lhe groups worked
vlgorously on Lhelr exerclses As Lhe professor walks around and helps ouL Lhe groups l look around and
see some people leave Lhemselves ouL of Lhe group and agaln lL [usL proves LhaL Lhls class ls deflanLly
whaL you make lL Whlle people flnlsh up Lhelr asslgnmenLs Lhe class beglns Lo end Mr McLvoy flnally
goes over Lhe asslgnmenL whlle people pack up
1hls class showed me a loL l undersLand LhaL Lhls class along wlLh many oLher classes aL urdue
ls a class where your ouLpuL has a loL Lo do wlLh whaL you galn from Lhe class 1hls class ls noL one LhaL
you Lake Lo geLs credlLs or Lo geL a hlgher grade polnL average lL ls one you Lake because you wanL Lo
learn how Lo apply your knowledge and learn new lnformaLlon l walked ouL of LhaL class undersLandlng
whaL my [ourney wlll be llke geLLlng my cerLlflcaLe As long as l am dedlcaLed and focused on Lhe Lask aL
hand and my producLlvlLy ls greaL Lhen l wlll recelve greaL Lhlngs ln reLurn

Interview with Academic
Advisor: Rita Baker
Ms 8aker ls Lhe coordlnaLlng academlc advlsor for
Lhe CerLlflcaLe ln LnLrepreneurshlp and lnnovaLlon Who
beLLer Lo undersLand Lhe [ourney Lo geLLlng Lhls
cerLlflcaLe from Lhen Lhe woman who seLs up all Lhe
classes? l have meL Ms 8aker Lwlce before Lhls
lnLervlew My flrsL Llme was durlng a summer
orlenLaLlon program called 8oller Cold 8ush or 8C8 8C8
had breakouL sesslons one day we were Lhere and one
of Lhem was for enLrepreneurshlp 1he nexL Llme l saw
Ms 8aker was ln my ManagemenL 100 class We ofLen
have professors come ln our class and speak abouL Lhelr
flelds Lo Leach us and ln some ways persuade us Lo go ln
Lo Lhelr dlsclpllne Ms 8aker was one of Lhe speakers ln
Lhe class and she gave a speech abouL Lhe cerLlflcaLe

When l emalled Ms 8aker for an lnLervlew she was more Lhan happy Lo see me She Lold me Lo
meeL her aL Lhe 8urLon u Morgan ln her offlce on Lhe second floor of 8urLon whlch was easy Lo flnd
8urLon ls an amazlng new bulldlng LhaL makes you Lhlnk lnnovaLlon Lhe second you walk ln She Lold me Lo
come on ln and before we began we Lalked for a whlle and l undersLood LhaL 8lLa 8aker was a very easy
golng person good resource and a greaL person Lo Lalk Lo for academlcs school help buslness or llfe ln
My flrsL quesLlon was whaL area of research dld you sLudy ln your undergraduaLe career? 8lLa sald
LhaL she graduaLed wlLh a publlc relaLlons and communlcaLlons degree from urdue lollowlng up l asked
her how she goL where she was now and she sald qulckly her advlsor She Lold me LhaL her advlsor helped
her all LhroughouL college She sald LhaL lf you ever have a problem or are ln need of guldance Lhen you
should vlslL your advlsor ln Lhe same Loplc of school l asked her whaL acLlvaLes clubs or organlzaLlons
would be good Lo geL lnLo She sald LhaL Lhe besL Lhlng Lo do ls Lo parLlclpaLe ln Lhlngs LhaL you are
lnLeresLed ln and lf you are lnLeresLed ln enLrepreneurshlp and lnnovaLlon Lhen urdue lnnovaLlons ls a
greaL club Lo [oln 1he nexL Lhlng l asked her dlrecLly abouL school was whaL are Lhe besL classes Lo Lake Lo
geL ready for geLLlng Lhe cerLlflcaLe? She sald lnsLead of looklng for classes make sure LhaL
enLrepreneurshlp ls someLhlng LhaL you have lnLeresL ln"
My nexL quesLlon was whaL ls Lhe besL advlce you goL as a freshman?" she sald usL because
one fleld lsn'L for you doesn'L mean you're a fallure uon'L be afrald Lo Lry new Lhlngs"
l LhoughL LhaL was a greaL plece of advlce All Loo ofLen people glve up because Lhey are noL good aL
one Lhlng? 1he lasL quesLlons l asked wenL LogeLher wlLh Lhe Loplc of [obs and lnLernshlps l asked 8lLa Pow
do l flnd lnLernshlps and [obs avallable for sLudenLs?" she answered by saylng" lnLernshlps wlll come Lo you"

My flrsL quesLlon was whaL area of research dld you sLudy ln your undergraduaLe career? 8lLa sald
LhaL she graduaLed wlLh a publlc relaLlons and communlcaLlons degree from urdue lollowlng up l asked her
how she goL where she was now and she sald qulckly her advlsor She Lold me LhaL her advlsor helped her all
LhroughouL college She sald LhaL lf you ever have a problem or are ln need of guldance Lhen you should vlslL
your advlsor ln Lhe same Loplc of school l asked her whaL acLlvaLes clubs or organlzaLlons would be good Lo
geL lnLo She sald LhaL Lhe besL Lhlng Lo do ls Lo parLlclpaLe ln Lhlngs LhaL you are lnLeresLed ln and lf you are
lnLeresLed ln enLrepreneurshlp and lnnovaLlon Lhen urdue lnnovaLlons ls a greaL club Lo [oln 1he nexL Lhlng
l asked her dlrecLly abouL school was whaL are Lhe besL classes Lo Lake Lo geL ready for geLLlng Lhe cerLlflcaLe?
She sald lnsLead of looklng for classes make sure LhaL enLrepreneurshlp ls someLhlng LhaL you have lnLeresL
My nexL quesLlon was whaL ls Lhe besL advlce you goL as a freshman?" she sald usL because one
fleld lsn'L for you doesn'L mean you're a fallure uon'L be afrald Lo Lry new Lhlngs"
l LhoughL LhaL was a greaL plece of advlce All Loo ofLen people glve up because Lhey are noL good aL
one Lhlng? 1he lasL quesLlons l asked wenL LogeLher wlLh Lhe Loplc of [obs and lnLernshlps l asked 8lLa Pow
do l flnd lnLernshlps and [obs avallable for sLudenLs?" she answered by saylng" lnLernshlps wlll come Lo you"
She Lold me abouL an organlzaLlon called lnLerns for lndlana lL glves you Lhe ablllLy Lo work wlLh a
sLarLup company LhaL ls parL of Lhe ulscovery ark She sald LhaL opporLunlLles are always avallable My lasL
quesLlon was" uo you have any suggesLlons abouL how Lo besL prepare myself for Lhe worklng world?" she
sald" Lhe only Lhlng l can say ls LhaL no one sLarLs aL Lhe Lop Pard work ls Lhe only way Lo geL ouL of here wlLh
degree worLh someLhlng
1he lnLervlew wlLh 8lLa was a greaL experlence 8lLa was able Lo Leach me abouL lmporLanL people Lo
Lalk Lo and she LaughL me Lo do Lhlngs LhaL l llke Lo do When l heard her say LhaL lL was qulLe refreshlng She
also explalned a llLLle blL more abouL Lhe program lLs self She explalned how Lhe cerLlflcaLe was a serles of
requlremenLs lncludlng cerLaln class workshops and sLud abroad experlences 8lLa ls a greaL person Lo Lalk Lo
and lf you are Lhlnklng abouL geLLlng lnvolved wlLh Lhe enLrepreneurshlp program 8lLa ls Lhe besL person for
you Lo Lalk Lo

Interview with a Senior:
NichoIas Birk
AfLer l had gone over mosL of my lnLervlew quesLlons wlLh 8lLa l had one more lmporLanL
quesLlon Lo ask her uo you know of any sLudenLs LhaL l could Lalk Lo who are on Lhelr way Lo geLLlng
Lhe cerLlflcaLe now?" and 8lLa responded almosL lmmedlaLely afLer nlcholas 8lrk" 8lLa gave me
nlck's emall and l emalled hlm lmmedlaLely asklng hlm lf he would be up Lo Lhe Lask of belng an
lnLervlewee AfLer playlng emall Lag for a whlle nlck flnally agreed wlLh a Llme and a place for us Lo
nlck wanLed Lo meeL ln Lhe urawlng 8oom of krannerL School of managemenL ln beLween
one of our breaks before we had our nexL class krannerL ls Lhe bulld where mosL of Lhe buslness
classes are held 1he urawlng 8oom ls llke Lhe lobby of krannerL lL has mulLlple clrcle Lables on one
slde and recLangular Lables on Lhe oLher lL has a corner wlLh a prlnLer and a few compuLers a couple
couches and Lo flnlsh lL off one baby grand plano
nlck and l had scheduled our lnLervlew aL one o'clock so l declded Lo geL Lhere abouL flfLeen
mlnuLes early Lo seL up and look over my quesLlons As l walLed l reallzed LhaL nelLher of us knew who
Lhe each oLher looked llke and nelLher of us had each oLher's cellphone number elLher As l be began
Lo franLlcly check my Lmall a mldhelghL whlLe male enLered Lhe bulld wlLh a collared shlrL and a
backpack Pe came ln and saL rlghL behlnd me AbouL a mlnuLe laLer nlck had emalled me hls
number so l declded Lo call Cf course from some source of welrd lnLulLlon Lhe person slLLlng behlnd
me was nlck Pe qulckly plcked up hls sLuff moved over Lo Lhe oLher slde of Lhe Lable l occupled and
some afLer we began
l began wlLh my flrsL quesLlon whlch was how dld you plck your concenLraLlon and ma[or
AfLer LhaL l rarely had Lo ask a quesLlon nlck was very good aL Lelllng hls sLory and answered LhaL
quesLlon along wlLh many oLhers nlck sald 1he flrsL Lhlng l plcked was enLrepreneurshlp whlch lsn'L
really a concenLraLlon buL l goL ln Lo lL and l loved dolng lL klnd of Lhls Lhlnk ouL Lhe box Lhlng" nlck
knew LhaL he wanLed Lo do enLre nlck knew LhaL he wanLed Lo do enLrepreneurshlp buL he always
loved numbers and wanLed Lo Lry LhaL Lo Pe sald l was always good aL maLh so l LhoughL of dolng
Lhe flnanclal sLuff nlck LhoughL of maklng flnance as hlm concenLraLlon buL lL qulckly changed Lo
lnLernaLlonal buslness and sLraLeglc markeLlng afLer a sLudy abroad he Look ln Sydney AusLralla Pe
explalned Lo me abouL how he changed hls ma[ors and concenLraLlons a couple Llmes before Lhe
sLudy abroad buL he reallzed LhaL lf he dld whaL he llked Lo do Lhen whaLever dlsclpllne he fell lnLo
would be a good flL for hlm and would go well wlLh enLrepreneurshlp uurlng hls Llme ln AusLralla
nlck had learned Lhlngs abouL AusLrallan culLure and abouL hls own culLure Pe bullL a new work eLhlc
learned a loL of greaL values and he became a sLronger lndlvldual because of lL nlck really suggesLs
sLudylng abroad as much as you can and as soon as you can
Interview with a
ProfessioaI: Ian AIIen
CeLLlng up aL elghL o'clock ln Lhe mornlng
on a SaLurday? 1oLally worLh lL My lnLervlew Look
place ln 8awls Pall whlch ls parL of Lhe krannerL
School of ManagemenL 8awls ls Lhe newesL
addlLlon Lo Lhe krannerL famlly and you can Lell
when you flrsL walk ln 8awls ln very open and has a
very modern feel All of Lhe classrooms are
presenLaLlon based wlLh a celllng pro[ecLor and
semlclrcle ralsed seaLlng 1he hlgher you go Lhe
more presLlglous Lhe offlces classrooms and sLudy
rooms become l was Lold Lo go Lo room 3097
whlch ls on Lhe Lhlrd floor all Lhe way ln Lhe back on
Lhe lefL 1he rooms aL Lhe end of Lhe hall are all
graduaLe sLudenLs' sLudy rooms When l goL up Lo
Lhe room l knocked opened Lhe door and Lhere he
was lan Allen
As we conLlnued Lo Lalk nlck menLloned clubs LhaL were good on campus Pe Lold me LhaL l should [oln
clubs LhaL lnvolve Lhlngs LhaL l love dolng or l wanL Lo learn abouL Pe Lold me LhaL Lhe Lhree blg
organlzaLlons for krannerL are SLudenL Lmployers lorum SLudenL managemenL councll and Ambassadors
buL he also menLloned LhaL he was an ambassador for Lhe enLrepreneur program Pe Lold me 8lLa and
her Leam pald for me Lo go Lo an enLrepreneur conference ln Chlcago Pe Lold me how much fun lL was
and how many opporLunlLles he had as an ambassador

nlck and l Lalked a loL abouL hls pasL a loL abouL hls sLudy abroad experlence and many Lhlngs abouL
enLrepreneurshlp Pe gave a loL of lnformaLlon LhaL made me reallze LhaL hls experlences were prlceless
Pe explalned mosLly Lhrough hls experlences and LhaL was someLhlng LhaL he sLressed a loL l belleve LhaL
nlck learned a loL Lhrough experlences and l Lhlnk lL ls a greaL way for us Lo learn and become beLLer
buslness people and enLrepreneurs
lan Allen ls above slx feeL Lalk over Lwo hundred pounds and can be qulLe lnLlmldaLlng when you
flrsL meeL hlm Pe has a very sofL volce buL ls loud enough Lo be asserLlve keep your aLLenLlon and keep
you lnvolved wlLh whaL he ls saylng Llke 8lLa l had Lalked Lo lan Lhree Llmes before l was lnLroduced Lo
hlm by a menLor of mlne so he could help me wlLh some endeavors l was lnLeresLed ln from Lhere l saw
hlm aL a soclal evenL wlLh hls daughLer and Lhen we goL LogeLher ln a slmllar room as 8awls 3097 and he
helped me undersLand Lhe cerLaln krannerL mlnors whlch we call concenLraLlons among oLher Lhlngs
8ecause lan ls a grad sLudenL and a professlonal he was very shorL on Llme So lnsLead of me
asklng lnLervlew quesLlons l asked lan Lo gauge hlmself on Llme and glve us a brlef sLory of hls llfe and
[ourney Lhrough hls venLures as a urdue undergraduaLe Lo hls currenL Lrlals Pe wenL rlghL lnLo hls

PersonaI RefIection
lan came Lo urdue on a fooLball scholarshlp lan wanLed Lo do prelaw buL because urdue dldn'L
have a program aL Lhe Llme he ended up ln Lhe sound deparLmenL of LheaLer and learned many Lhlngs
abouL muslc sofLware and hardware LaLer he wenL Lo LlecLrlcal englneerlng buL he declded LhaL Lhlngs
werenL golng Lo work ouL and ma[ored ln general communlcaLlons
lan played ln Lhe nlL for slx years on Lhe Lagles and on Lhe ClanLs AfLer hls professlonal fooLball
career lan creaLed a muslc sLudlo wlLh Lhe skllls he learned when he was a LheaLer ma[or called lSC
8ecords buL laLer changed Lhe name Lo nova 33 8ecords where a couple of hls Lracks became famous lan
sald ln abouL flfLeen dlfferenL radlo markeLs my Lracks were ranked number one and ln overall naLlonal
raLlngs we were ranked LwenLy nlne noL only dld he creaLe hls sLudlo and creaLe successful albums he
also creaLed hls wlfes fashlon llne buslness lC ueslgns
AfLer lans enLrepreneurlal advenLures he declded Lo go Lo Lake an enLrepreneurshlp course aL
norLhwesLern unlverslLy 1here he learned a loL abouL selfsusLalnlng successful buslness lrom Lhere lan
reallzed LhaL lL would be beneflclal lf he goL hls MasLer degree from krannerL Pe belleves LhaL an M8A
wlll glve you Lhe proper frameworks as Lo how you make buslness lnvesLmenL and declslons"
lan ls currenLly pursulng hls M8A here aL krannerL Pe sLlll has hls nova 33 records company and
hls wlfes buslness ls sLronger Lhan ever lan made a greaL declslon Lo go Lo krannerL for hls M8A and l wlll
follow hlm rlghL afLer graduaLe lan ls successful ls whaL he does lans sLory made me undersLand LhaL lL ls
okay Lo swlLch ma[ors as long as you're geLLlng closer Lo whaL you really wanL Lo do lan ls an lnsplraLlon
and he gave us Lhe sLory of hls means Lo success l [usL hope we all use lL for our own means of success

LeL's Lake a look aL all Lhe lnformaLlon LhaL has been provlded SLarLlng wlLh Lhe analysls of Lhe
classroom you can learn almosL lmmedlaLely LhaL enLrepreneurshlp ls all abouL whaL you puL ln Lo lL ln
McLvoy's class Lhere were people who were leaders and also people who were [usL followlng Lhe
group and conLrlbuLlng noLhlng 1hose people wlll noL make lL lnLo Lhe buslness world and wlll noL own
a successful buslness eople who were puLLlng ln work maklng Lhelr ldeas known and maklng
changes are Lhe people who wlll be successful ln Mr McLvoy's class Lhlngs were really lald back Pe
would Leach a sub[ecL and you would apply lL wlLh your Leam All you have Lo do ls be a Leam player
work hard and noLhlng less Mr McLvoy's class ls noL dlfflculL yeL lL requlres a cerLaln level of
maLurlLy focus appllcaLlon and selfdeLermlnaLlon

orks Cited
Allen, an. nterview. Brandon Davis. October 2011. Recording.
Baker, Rita. nterview. Brandon Davis. October 2011. Recording.
Birk, Nicholas. nterview. Brandon Davis. October 2011. Recording.
Purdue University. Burton D. Morgan Center for Entrepreneurship. n.d. October 2011.
. Discovery Park. n.d. October 2010.

nexL we can look aL Lhe several lnLervlews l had llrsL was Ms 8lLa 8aker Lhe academlc advlsor
for Lhe cerLlflcaLe She gave greaL lnslghL ln Lo Lhe enLrepreneurlal program She sald LhaL Lhe besL way
Lo prepare for Lhe cerLlflcaLe ls Lo be lnLeresLed and wanL Lo do lL" (8aker) She sald LhaL eople who
fall Lhe classes and don'L geL Lhe cerLlflcaLe are people who are dolng lL for Lhe wrong reasons" (8aker)
8lLa assured me LhaL whaL l wlLnessed ln Lhe enLrepreneurshlp class was correcL lf you are Lhere for
Lhe rlghL reason and you puL work ln you wlll geL a good ouLcome and do well
1he nexL lnLervlew l gave was Lo a senlor nlck Pe ls a managemenL sLudenL [usL llke me and
wlll recelve hls cerLlflcaLe ln May nlck was Lhe besL person for me Lo Lalk Lo because of our slmllarlLles
and commonallLles Among many Lhlngs we were boLh ln managemenL boLh wanLed Lo geL our
cerLlflcaLes and we boLh loved Lo Lalk nlck ls Lhe ambassador for Lhe cerLlflcaLe of enLrepreneurshlp
and lnnovaLlon and LaughL me all abouL urdue krannerL Lhe cerLlflcaLe and hls own [ourney Lhrough
ouL all Lhree ersonally l belleve Lhe lnLervlew wlLh nlck was Lhe mosL beneflclal for me Pe LaughL me
abouL lnLernshlps and Llme managemenL buL he also gave me ways Lo Lhlnk Lowards schoollng and
geLLlng my degree and cerLlflcaLe nlck Lold me usL CC! ldeas are good dolng Lhem ls
enLrepreneurshlp" l am llvlng by LhaL quoLe already and lL has helped me lmmensely
My lasL lnLervlew was wlLh lan Allen Wow lan wenL from a urdue graduaLe Lo nlL player
AfLerwards he creaLed hls own muslc sLudlo and Lhen wenL Lo krannerL grad school wlLh a wlfe and
klds lan Allen ls one of my role models and lnsplraLlons lan Lold me hls sLory sLarLlng from freshman
year when he swlLched ma[ors Lhree Llmes up Lo hls currenL sLaLus of geLLlng hls M8A and Laklng up a
[ob wlLh Ceneral MoLors ln CorporaLe llnance lan has done lL all Pe has done everyLhlng he wanLed Lo
do and LhaL ls Lruly amazlng
AfLer looklng aL all Lhls lnformaLlon all Lhese sLorles and all Lhls success how can someone noL
be exclLed Lo sLarL one's own career l now undersLand how l am golng Lo lead my llfe ln krannerL as l
geL my degree and my cerLlflcaLe lrom Lhe classroom Lo Lhe professlonal l have learned so many
valuable lessons and heard so many success sLorles LhaL l know l am ready now Lhe challenge ls noL ln
comprehendlng whaL Lhese amazlng people have sald buL how Lo apply lL 1haL ls Lhe hard parL and lL's
all on you ersonally l am golng Lo wrlLe my goals down and sLarL plannlng WhaL abouL you?

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