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Translating V l i t T l ti Values into Value Added Results

In today's business climate, simply having an ethics policy and value statements in place isn't enough. Organizations must continually keep ethics up front and centre to avoid the ethical violations and erosion of confidence.

1Day Program
Fully Customized C i d

Toillustratesthecauseand effectofindividual responsibility Toofferdoablesolutions, including howtomake decisionsthatensurea greaterethical&value responsetobusiness, customers,suppliersand peopleissues. l i

How do you turn Your g Organizations Values & Ethics into a living, breathing part of your organization?

Helpleadersandmanagers stepuptothedailytaskof promotingethicalconductand promoting ethical conduct and ensuringcompliance. Encourageopennessand honesty

Enlist the active, committed , involvement of every leader

Analyzeeachsituationandtake appropriateaction Demonstrateconsistent fairnessandrespect Yourleaders,managersand teamleaderswilldevelopthe skillsneededtofoster, influenceandsustainaculture influence and sustain a culture ofethicsandcompliance.

Whats the biggest Benefit to the organization? Aligning Values of Employees with Your Organization Vision and Values

NIRVANA CorporateInstitutePrivateLimited

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