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Question 7 - Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you think you have learned in the progression from it to full product? Before we started anything, we needed to do our preliminary task in order to gain key skills which would allow us to carry out the production of our media product much more effectively. We went through many different types of shots, and different key skills in the media field. The shots we learnt about were the types of shots we would be mainly using in filming our production. Before we carried out the filming of our preliminary task, put it upon myself to do some background research on the different types of shots, how we would need to shoot them and the 180 degree rule. After carrying this research out, this effectively made m preliminary task much easier, as I had a better understanding on how the shots were taken and what the cameraman would need to do in order to shoot from the different angles. As well as all of that, I was able to become familiar with the high the camera I would be using as I had never used a camera of that calibre before, and as I was the cameraman for my production team, this was essential.

Match on action in my preliminary task.

Match on action in my final production.

Match on Action A Match on action is a shot where something is carried out in one shot, and is completed in another shot. In this case, the first shot shows Ahmed opening the door, and the second shot shows Ahmed walking out the door. Hence, showing a Match on Action.

Close Ups Close ups are usually to show the characters face and emotions. In both, the preliminary and our final production we used close-ups in order to show what our characters were feeling. In our preliminary we used a close up to show how one character was not impressed with the other and in my final production I used a close up to show how Ahmed was very frustrated and angry.

Establishing Shot Establishing shots are used to inform the audience of the characters, and where our production will take place. It makes the audience more clear of where the large part f the action, or film, will take. We used a establishing shot in our preliminary to show the audience all the characters involved in the film. This is because there would be a total of 4 characters involved, however only two of them would be included for a very short period of time at the beginning. In out final production, we used a establishing shot to inform the audience of the protagonist in our film and to inform them of where all our main action will take place.

Shot Reverse Shot During our preliminary task and our final production, we used a shot reverse shot in order to give the audience a much more clearer view when two characters are having a conversation, long or short. In our preliminary, we used a shot reverse shot to show the conversation between Carl and Ahmed. In my final production, we used a shot reverse shot to help show the brief conversation between Ahmed and Mr. Cole.

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