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Monday- 6mile Road-March under 90min with 40lbs Tuesday- 1mile warm-up run, 5xPull-ups, 15xPush-ups, 30xSit-ups; 5 sets for time, 1mile cool-down run Wednesday- 1mile warm-up Jog, 8xSprints, 10sec at a Sprint with 20sec Jog repeat 8 times; Rest 5min then 8xLaps on 1/4mile track sprint straightaways and jog corners, 1/2mile cool-down walk Thursday- 1mile warm-up Jog, 20xManmakers with 20lb dumb-bells, 30xIncline sit-ups, 6sets for time, 1mile cool-down Jog. Friday- 5mile run at an 8-9min pace

Monday- 1mile warm-up Jog, 40yrds walking lunges, 40yrd broad-jumps, 40yrd sprint, 4 sets for time, 1mile cool-down Jog Tuesday- 1mile warm-up Run, 1min flutter kicks, 20x Leg-raises, 1min 6inches, 20xCrunches, 1min Leg-spreaders, 20x Oblique crunches; repeat 3 times with a min rest between each set Wednesday- 3mile RUK Run with 40lbs, jog from light-pole to the next then walk form light-pole to the next keep this pace for 3miles Thursday- 1mile warm-up run, 1min push-ups, 20x Overhead hand claps, 45sec push-ups, 20xOverhead hand claps, 30sec push-ups, 20xOverhead hand claps, 15sec push-ups, 20xOverhead hand claps rest 2min then repeat, 1/2mile cool-down jog Friday- 3mile Run at a 7-8min pace

Monday- 5mile run at an 8-9min pace Tuesday- 1mile warm-up Jog, 10xPull-ups, 10xLeg-raises, 20xPush-ups, 10xJumping lunges, 1mile cool-down Jog Wednesday- 1mile warm-up Jog, 4xSprint the straightaways jog the corners, 1min rest, 4xSprint the Corners jog the straightaways, 1mile cool-down Jog Thursday- (1/2mile run [10xPull-ups, 20xPush-ups, 30xsit-ups, 5xSets] 1/2mile Run) for time Friday- 6mile Road March with 40lbs at a 90min pace

Monday- 3mile Run with sprints, Sprint from light pole to the next then jog for 2 light poles and keep this pace for 3miles

Tuesday- 1mile warm-up jog, 8x 10sec Push-ups and 20sec rest , 8x 10sec Sit-ups and 20sec rest, repeat 3 times, 1/2mile cool-down Jog Wednesday- 4mile RUK Run with 40lbs, jog from light-pole to the next then walk form light-pole to the next keep this pace for 4miles Thursday- 1/2mile warm-up Jog, 10x24inch box jump, 5xPull-ups, 10Push-ups, 20xSit-ups, do 6 sets for time, 1/2mile cool down Jog Friday- 5mile run at an 8-9min pace

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