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IBM Recruitment Process & Stages Explained

Thu, 04/07/2011 - 11:33 | Dear CareersValley Reader, In this article, let us discuss the selection stages that you can expect during IBM recruitment drives. In general, any IBM placement drive can be expected to comprise of the below 4 stages. They are , 1. Written Aptitude Test, 2. Group Discussion Round, 3. Technical Interview, and 4. HR Interview. Let us discuss all four stages in detail. 1. Written Aptitude Test You can expect two to three sub sections in the written tests. For example one section may contain questions from number series like AP, GP and the other may contain questions from basic aptitude topics and so on. Total number of questions can be around 50 to 60 with 15 to 20 questions in each of the three sections.It is believed that these sub sections will have sectional cut offs. You should be very careful while answering your questions, as unlike several other papers, these questions are expected to carry negative marks as well. Hence, the sectional cut off and negative marking make these papers unique. 2. Group Discussion Round. Once you have cleared the placement tests, you would be called for group discussion. This round would be very easy with simple topics from sports, politics etc. You can expect least elimination from this round. 3. Technical Interview. This round can be bit tough with questions from several different sections concerned with software engineering. For example you can expect a lot of questions from sections like OS, C++/JAVA, Networking, DBMS, Programming concepts like OOPS etc. 4. HR Interview. This can again get harder with stringent selection process. Unlike most other companies, there could be significant elimination during HR interview as well. How To Stay Informed Of IBM Recruitment Drives ? :
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