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Factors Leading to Globalization in the 21st Century Globalization: is the changing of the world from many economies, cultures

and societies into a single one. The term is primarily used to refer to economic globalization. However, it is also used to address political and social changes around the world. Globalization is extremely controversial. There are many positive and negative impacts from its spread. Globalization is the changing of the world from many economies, cultures and societies into a single one. The term is primarily used to refer to economic globalization. There are many factors that have led to spread of globalization in the twenty-first century, including: free trade; capitalism; democracy; the Internet; and popular culture. 1. Free Trade

After World War II, many obstacles to free trade were removed. Trade agreements such as the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), as well as the World Trade Organization (WTO) have contributed to the spread of globalization. 2. Capitalism

The switch of many nations to market-based economies and capitalism has advanced globalization's reaches. 3. Democracy

Events such as the fall of the Berlin Wall and the end of the Soviet Union have lead to more open societies. 4. Internet

The Internet aided in the rapid spread of ideas and has helped in the formation of global society.

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