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Name : Soro Franar Bija

NIM : 2440083903
Class : LA66
Assignment 1 Introduction to International Politic Economy

3. Explain the impact of the World War I and World War II to the world economic system,
including on the evolution/emergence of trade and economic theories?
Both World War I and World War II each had broad implications regarding a change in
the international system. With the emergence of world wars, the world's awareness to be more
concerned with maintaining peace, so that a more modern dynamics of diplomacy was born
through the United Nations itself.
With the killing of the Crown prince of Austria by Serbian nationalists in 1914, it became
one of the factors in the occurrence of the European war (Princess E, 2015). The war that continues
to expand so that it spreads makes this conflict spread into a territorial struggle that occurs between
countries that are quite large in Europe, known as world war 1 (Hamilton and Herwig 2003, 10).
World War I was unavoidable so that it became more widespread because the impact of the war
caused could also be felt by the colonies under these countries, especially Africa and some parts
of Asia.
The impacts caused by the world war are quite severe as we can see there are various
damages, whether it is the loss of lives, economic decline, infrastructure that has suffered severe
damage, the decline in moral values to the instability of peace (Roberts 1998, 455). The biggest
chaos occurred due to the economic crisis known as The Great Depression which rocked the
United States and spread to European countries and then had a wide influence in various corners
of the earth. The fall of the stock market that occurred in the United States in 1929 caused a shock
to the world economy.
Germany itself did not accept and was not satisfied with the Munich agreement and the
Versailles agreement, which at that time Germany under the leadership of Hitler, known as the
founder of the Nazi party, held an invasion which was considered to be the beginning of World
War II. With the rise of fascism at that time, an attitude of ultranationalism occurred, which was
also embraced by Japan. After the Second World War, a term known asemerged self-determination
in the colonial countries which fostered the spirit of nationalism so that industrialization and
national liberation rose which were increasingly spreading and then pushed the decolonization of
the colonial countries to become independent and there was a wave of decolonization that gave
birth to the colonial countries. stone countries such as Indonesia, South Korea, and others (Knutsen
1997,227). From the occurrence of World War I and World War II, it can be concluded that these
two wars had a very big impact on the world, the occurrence of World War I not only brought
various losses, mainly The Great Depression, but also greatly affected the international order.
‘Source :
- Hamilton, Richard, dan Holger H. Herwig. 2003. “World Wars: Definition and Causes”,
dalam Hamilton, Richard, dan Holger H. Herwig (ed.), The Origins of World War I.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, Ch. 1, pp. 1-44.
- Knutsen, Torbjorn L. 1997. “Interwar Politics: The Twenty Years' Crisis”, dalam A History
of International Relations Theory. Manchester: Manchester University Press, Part 8, pp.
- Roberts, J. M. 1998. “Europe's Twentieth Century: The Era of European Civil War”, dalam
A History of Europe. Oxford: Helicon Publishing, Part 5, Ch. 2-5, pp. 433-502.
- Putri, D. C. A. E. (2015, December 24). Dinda Claudia Ayu Eka Putri. Implikasi Perang
Dunia I Dan II Terhadap Diplomasi Dan Tatanan Dunia. Retrieved October 22, 2021, from

4. “International trade brings economic benefits, but it does not necessarily make everyone better
off as there are winners and losers.” Do you agree with the statement? Elaborate your answer
with an example.

International trade that is happening at this time brings a lot of positive impacts, especially
in the economic field itself, but in international trade it doesn't always go according to plan because
there will be winners and losers themselves, I think I agree with the following statement because
international trade is not forever provide benefits to the economy but there are also those that have
a negative impact, such as currency exchange risk, why is that if a company trades with developing
countries that do not yet have a capable economy, the company will be vulnerable to currency
exchange risk. In addition, the next consequence is disrupting local industries, namely the entry of
foreign companies into developing country markets can disrupt and even destroy a local industry
that is still in the development stage. The foreign company takes advantage of the use of
agglomeration and economies of scale in producing a good. and the next cause is the risk of
resource exploitation why does this risk occur? because the high demand for a product will force
a country to exploit natural resources in pursuit of abundant profits.

5. Please share your arguments and examples on the future of globalization after the covid 19
epidemic. What will happen to globalization?
a. collapse
b. remain the same
c. more relevant

The future of globalization that occurred after the covid 19 pandemic, with the covid-19
occurring throughout the world resulted in a lot of changes that occurred, both in the economic
field, in the health world, as well as in the field of globalization which we can see a lot experiencing
changes. The effects experienced by globalization through increasingly open connectivity and
human movement between countries have a negative effect. With the emergence of the spread of
Covid-19, many countries have been forced to close their national borders to reduce the impact of
a greater spread. It is undeniable that so far experts have been divided into two parts, namely those
who support and reject the existence of globalization itself. those who reject the existence of
globalization are considered to have created a widening economic gap between the rich and the
poor. The development of globalization that we can see, namely globalization has become a trigger
for the emergence of innovation and an increasingly fierce level of competition that requires the
creation of better and cheaper quality goods. The emergence of globalization after the COVID-19
pandemic has encouraged political liberalization in various countries. because of that, democracy
emerged in various countries that were previously authoritarian countries.

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