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Module 4 L2 Day 4

Intro needed

Activity 1- Reading - World War II

Task. Read the following essay and select the correct answer:

The course of world history was forever changed by World War II. This worldwide conflict lasted nearly six
years, between 1939 and 1945, and resulted in heavy casualties and loss of property in several parts of the
world. The war has gone down in history as being one of the most horrific events in human history. The
following paragraphs are going to discuss some key causes and effects of World War II, exploring the
circumstances that led to its outbreak and its eventual consequences.

As a consequence of the strict conditions imposed on Germany through the Treaty of Versailles at the end of
WWI, the country was facing economic struggle and political instability. Additionally, the rise of aggressive
totalitarian regimes, such as Nazi Germany under Adolf Hitler and Imperial Japan, led to territorial
ambitions and increased tensions. Eventually, the invasion of Poland in 1939 marked the direct trigger for
the war's outbreak. As nations aligned in opposing alliances, the world found itself involved into a second
global conflict with long-term repercussions.

One of the most important effects was the widespread devastation and loss of life, with cities reduced to
rubble and millions of deaths. Moreover, the war reshaped the geopolitical landscape, leading to the
emergence of the United States and the Soviet Union as superpowers and the beginning of the Cold War. As
a result of these developments, significant social changes occurred, including the recognition of human
rights and the establishment of the United Nations, aimed at promoting international cooperation and
preventing future conflicts.

Overall, World War II left an enduring legacy, marked by loss, transformed geopolitics, and a renewed
commitment to prevent future conflicts, shaping the course of history for decades to come.

1. Which of the following idea does the writer fully develop in the essay above?
a. World War II represented a cause for major changes in history
b. World War II contributed to the rise of aggressive totalitarian regimes
c. World War II determined the strict conditions imposed on Germany

2. Which of the following connectors/verbs show the cause-effect relationship?

a. as a consequence of, as a result of/ lead to

b. resulted in, consequently, eventually
c. leading to, moreover, additionally

3. What does the conclusion include?

a. a restated main idea of the text

b. a suggestion/opinion/prediction
c. both
4. How is the essay organized?
a. Introduction, Causes, Effects, Conclusion
b. Introduction, Cause 1, Cause 2, Conclusion
c. Introduction, Cause 1 and its effect, Cause 2 and its effect, Conclusion

ACTIVITY 2 – Essay structure

Read the essay again.

A. The course of world history was forever changed by World War II. This worldwide conflict lasted
nearly six years, between 1939 and 1945, and resulted in heavy casualties and loss of property in several
parts of the world. The war has gone down in history as being one of the most horrific events in human
history. The following paragraphs are going to discuss some key causes and effects of World War II,
exploring the circumstances that led to its outbreak and its eventual consequences.

B. As a consequence of the strict conditions imposed on Germany through the Treaty of Versailles at
the end of WWI, the country was facing economic struggle and political instability. Additionally, the rise of
aggressive totalitarian regimes, such as Nazi Germany under Adolf Hitler and Imperial Japan, led to
territorial ambitions and increased tensions. Eventually, the invasion of Poland in 1939 marked the direct
trigger for the war's outbreak. As nations aligned in opposing alliances, the world found itself involved into
a second global conflict with long-term repercussions.

C. One of the most important effects was the widespread devastation and loss of life, with cities reduced
to rubble and millions of deaths. Moreover, the war reshaped the geopolitical landscape, leading to the
emergence of the United States and the Soviet Union as superpowers and the beginning of the Cold War. As
a result of these developments, significant social changes occurred, including the recognition of human
rights and the establishment of the United Nations, aimed at promoting international cooperation and
preventing future conflicts.

D. Overall, World War II left an enduring legacy, marked by loss, transformed geopolitics, and a
renewed commitment to prevent future conflicts, shaping the course of history for decades to come.

Task 1. Look at the essay in the essay tab below. Match the parts of the essay (1-3) to the paragraphs
1 the introduction 2 the main body 3 the conclusion
1A 2B 2C 3D

Task 2. Match the sentence halves to complete the rules about the structure of cause and effect essay.

1 The introduction of an essay

2 The main body of an essay
3 The conclusion

a gives us more information about the topic.

b summarizes the main ideas of the essay.
c explains what the essay will be about.
Key 1c, 2a, 3b

Task cu clopotel - study

An essay is a group of paragraphs about the same topic and are common in formal writing.
An essay has an introductory paragraph, one or more main body paragraphs and a concluding paragraph.
Introductory paragraph: The introductory paragraph gives background information about a topic.
Background information can be general information about the topic, historical information or a story that
helps readers understand why the topic is important. The last sentence of the introductory paragraph is
the thesis statement. This tells the reader what the essay will be about. It is similar to a topic sentence for a
paragraph and it includes the writer's point of view. It also says what the main body paragraphs will discuss.
Main body paragraphs: Each main body paragraph has a topic sentence and supporting sentences.
Supporting sentences include facts, reasons and examples that support the essay's ideas.
Concluding paragraph: The concluding paragraph retells or summarizes the main points in the essay.

Activity 3 Essay structure 2

Task 1: Elena se va ocupa de asta ca restul echipei e blank 
(Task va fi exercitiu cu 2 gapuri, 1 cu background si unul cu thesis statement, in care ei vor selecta pt
fiecare gap exprimarea corecta astfel incat sa obtina exprimarea corecta ca in clopotel. )

A. The course of world history was forever changed by World War II. This worldwide conflict lasted nearly
six years, between 1939 and 1945, and resulted in heavy casualties and loss of property in several parts of
the world. The war has gone down in history as being one of the most horrific events in human history. The
following paragraphs are going to discuss some key causes and effects of World War II, exploring the
circumstances that led to its outbreak and its eventual consequences.

Task 2: Click on the causes in text B and the effects in text C.

Highlight the causes– cu albastru e raspunsul correct, cel cu verde incorect
B. There is a number of factors that contributed to the outbreak of World War II.
As a consequence of the strict conditions imposed on Germany through the Treaty of Versailles at the end of
WWI, the country was facing economic struggle and political instability. Additionally, the rise of aggressive
totalitarian regimes, such as Nazi Germany under Adolf Hitler and Imperial Japan, led to territorial
ambitions and increased tensions. Eventually, the invasion of Poland in 1939 marked the direct trigger for
the war's outbreak. As nations aligned in opposing alliances, the world found itself involved into a second
global conflict with long-term repercussions.

Highlight the effects – cu albastru e raspunsul correct, cel cu verde incorect

C. The consequences of this terrible conflict were numerous. One of the most important was the widespread
devastation and loss of life, with cities reduced to ruin and millions of deaths. Moreover, the war reshaped
the geopolitical landscape, leading to the emergence of the United States and the Soviet Union as
superpowers and the beginning of the Cold War. As a result of these developments, significant social
changes occurred, including the recognition of human rights and the establishment of the United Nations,
aimed at promoting international cooperation and preventing future conflicts

Task 3: Match the ideas in the introduction to their paraphrased versions in the conclusion.
(Care elemente din concluzie refreizuiesc care parte din introducere)
Overall, World War II left an enduring legacy, marked by loss, transformed geopolitics, and a renewed
commitment to prevent future conflicts, shaping the course of history for decades to come.
A. The course of world history was forever changed by World War II. This worldwide conflict lasted nearly
six years, between 1939 and 1945, and resulted in heavy casualties and loss of property in several parts of
the world. The war has gone down in history as being one of the most horrific events in human history. The
following paragraphs are going to discuss some key causes and effects of World War II, exploring the
circumstances that led to its outbreak and its eventual consequences.
Activity 4
Task: Match the thesis statements to the corresponding conclusions.
Introduction: (…) This essay will explore the causes behind the conflict in Iraq, including geopolitical
interests, ideological tensions, and historical context, and explore immediate and long-term effects on Iraq,
the Middle East, and international relations.

Paraphrased: (…) Driven by a blend of interests, tensions, and historical factors, the conflict in Iraq left a
profound and enduring mark on the region and the world, reshaping dynamics and sparking ongoing

Introduction: (…) Certainly studying abroad is nor for everyone; however, for those students who
experience it the positive effects will stay with them forever.

Paraphrased: (…) While some of the experiences may seem difficult at the time, the long term effects can
be considered positive.

Introduction: (…) All climate scientists agree that the climate changes we are seeing today are caused by
human activities, especially coal, oil, and natural gas, and these activities are having serious negative effects
on our planet.

Paraphrased: (…) It is important that we reduce our negative impact on the planet as much as possible by
using renewable energy instead of fossil fuels before it is too late.

Introduction: (…) Unlike many people’s opinion that the weather has little influence in their lives besides
determining what clothes they wear on a particular day, the weather has in fact caused world history to
radically shift in important ways that are still felt today.

Paraphrased: (…) In conclusion, as previously demonstrated, the weather has been an important force
behind countless transformative events throughout world history.

Activity 5

Task: Watch the video(s). Read the information in the table below. Tick the phrases and sentences
that belong to each category:

Causes: Effects:
the murder of the heir to throne rivalries and alliances established
tensions between European Nazi Germany invaded Poland
natural resources throughout Europe severe economic consequences
war declared on Serbia loss of life
imperialism shifting social landscape
reorganisation of Europe's political landscape former empires split up
the death of many people a change in women’s social status
the flu pandemic of 1918 decreased natural resources
World War I 2 in 1 lipit.mp4

Script 1:
The event that sparked the First World War was the murder of the heir to the Austro Hungarian throne.
While the trigger for the war is considered by many to be the Archduke assassination, there were several
other long-term causes at play in Europe in the years leading to it. Some historians have identified
imperialism as a primary cause of World War I. Throughout the 19th century, tensions between European
powers surfaced, new control of foreign resources, markets and people by France, the United Kingdom and
other countries where the root of this tension. Meanwhile, natural resources throughout Europe went
dwindling (definition: gradually becoming smaller in size or amount, or fewer in number). This caused some
countries to seek new territory. The decades before the war saw rivalries and alliances established. By 1914,
a tangled mess of treaties identified what would ultimately become the two sides of World War I. After war
was declared on Serbia, this web of alliances quickly came into play. Most of Europe, as well as world
powers from abroad, were drawn into the war. The four-year war would result in a complete reorganisation
of Europe's political landscape and the death of approximately 16 million people.

Script 2:
Undeniably, the greatest consequence of the First World War was the massive loss of life. France had lost
nearly 1.4 million soldiers and an additional 300,000 civilians in the he war. More than 1.8 million Russian
soldiers were killed, as well as 1.5 million civilians. In total, World War I was responsible for the deaths of
over 16 million people however, numbers relating to the death toll are still debated. Considerate separate but
still related to World War I was the effect the flu pandemic of 1918 had on the world. First seen in North
America, it is suspected the flu was brought to Europe by the American forces. This flu was ultimately
responsible for the deaths of nearly 50 million people worldwide. Many countries, on both sides, felt the
severe economic consequences of waging a World War (definition: to fight a war). The United Kingdom
went from one of the world's largest overseas investors to one of its biggest debtors. Less concrete changes
for Britain were also apparent. There was a surge (definition: a sudden and great increase) in national pride.
Among some of the Commonwealth nations, countries like Canada, Australia and New Zealand, held
important roles in numerous battles throughout the war. Subsequently, they received more diplomatic
autonomy in the decade that followed.
Returning home from the battlefields, soldiers across the world were greeted with a shifting social
landscape. Women had filled the gap in jobs left by the men serving in the war. Motivated to help their
country, many women work distributing coal or making ammunition and also provided a large amount of
voluntary work. These new roles helped to change the social status and working lives of women even after
World War I had ended. Political lines were redrawn in the aftermath of the war once powerful German,
Russian, Ottoman and Austro Hungarian Empires were dissolved, with the latter two ceasing to exist
altogether. Large parts of the former empires were now split up into new countries like Finland, Turkey, and
Czechoslovakia. Most importantly for the future of Europe and the world was what was happening in
Germany. A parliamentary system called the Weimar Republic replaced the imperial form of government in
1919. However, the new government was riddled with ((definition: to be full of) issues. They were forced to
deal with hyperinflation, hostility from other countries and political extremists within their own country.
Many in Germany were still resentful (definition: feeling angry because you have been forced to accept
someone or something that you do not like) over the Treaty of Versailles which had forced the country to
accept sole responsibility in causing the First World War. Adolf Hitler and his Nazi Party use these strong
emotions to their advantage, and Hitler climbed to the position of Chancellor of Germany in 1933. Very
quickly, Hitler established a totalitarian regime called the Third Reich and put an end to the Weimar
Republic after only 14 years. Only 20 years after the end of World War I, Nazi Germany invaded Poland
and the century Second World War was underway.

Activity 6

Task: Write a cause and effect essay on the topic of WW1 using the outline provided below. Make
sure you also complete the introduction and conclusion with an appropriate thesis statement.

Introduction: World War I was often referred to as “The Great War”. It began in 1914 and ended in 1918.
This conflict is considered by some, the first man-made catastrophe of the twentieth century… thesis

(Possible/ suggested Thesis Statement - The causes and effects of the war changed the lives of many
people and its effects are still evident today.

Body paragraph 1 - Causes

Body Paragraph 2 – Effects

Conclusion: In conclusion, World War I was a complex event with far-reaching causes and consequences…
………setting the stage for future conflicts.

Possible/ suggested Thesis statement rephrased - Many people's lives were altered by the conflict, and its
repercussions can still be seen today.

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