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Break A Leg: A superstitious way to say 'good luck' without saying 'good luck', but rather the opposite.

a couch potato (informal)

a person who does not like physical activity and prefers to sit down, usually to watch television

apple of my eye

Me a ni ng

Originally meaning the central aperture of the eye. Figuratively it is something, or more usually someone, cherished above others.
paint the town red (informal)
to go out and enjoy yourself in the evening, often drinking a lot of alcohol and dancing Jack finished his exams today so he's gone out to paint the town red. paint the town red (informal) to go out and enjoy yourself in the evening, often drinking a lot of alcohol and dancing Jack finished his exams today so he's gone out to paint the town red.


Idiom Definitions for 'Bring home the bacon'

A person who brings home the bacon earns the money that a family live on.
a winner in a game you are involved.

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