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A reminder from Beth Jackson

DEAD Find more creations at
Sure, life sucks sometimes, and maybe it feels like the world is against you. But guess what? Despite everything, you're not
defeated. You're NOT YET DEAD. So prove it! Turn your life into a high-octane, badass string of awesomeness, with the
quips and soundtrack to go with it!

A note about NOT YET DEAD

This game is intended to be inspirational and encouraging. I'm bipolar, and sometimes when depression hits, I just crumble.
That's okay! It's okay to not be inspired all the time, and that's not the intention of this game. Take a break, relax, play video
games for a month straight til you feel better, or whatever works for you! When you're ready to kick life's butt... This'll still be
here :D

It's also very important to note that nothing said in this game should be accepted as permission, let alone encouragement, to
do anything that hurts other people. That includes physical and verbal harm, as well as anything done without consent.

All these steps are optional but highly recommended:
Headphones attached to a device ready to PUMP POWERFUL METAL MUSIC INTO YOUR EARHOLES (or whatever
music hypes you up)!
An outfit that makes you feel like an EPIC, UNSTOPPABLE FORCE TO BE RECKONED WITH!
Plenty of water to drink because you CAN'T MAKE YOUR MARK WITHOUT BEING HYDRATED!

Do stuff! IRL stuff! But do it knowing you're ALIVE. You are an unstoppable beast, nothing can stand in the way of what
you're going to accomplish!

As you go about your life, proudly declare what you're doing. Tell your friends! Post it online! The more you share it, the more
likely you'll be to actually do it! But if you change your mind and do something else instead, that's cool too! Changing your
mind is 100% valid and peer pressure is trash, even if you seeded the peer pressure yourself.

As you live your life, don't be scared to use some epic one-liners. Don't worry about being cringy or shy, just do it! Do you
really think that even the most awesome action heroes and video game characters don't say some awkward stuff sometimes?
And they've got writers! Practice makes perfect and stuff!

When you accomplish something, celebrate the heck out of it! You freaking DID IT! It doesn't matter if you got through a 12-
hour work shift or took out the trash, you LIVED!!! You DID THE THING!!!

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