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Brent Cross Drivers Petition to Transport for London

We are not dogs petition: Decent toilet and mess room facilities for the Drivers!
For years now Transport for London has treated Brent Cross drivers like dogs. They close the only toilet the male and female drivers have at the slightest excuse and force both sexes to use the bushes near the Brent River to relieve themselves when the Centre is closed. A driver was fined 80 for this last year. The health and safety implications are obvious; must we wait until a woman is raped or killed to expose these shocking social attitudes from TfL? Since 28th November they have closed the toilet 3 times (20 out of 32 days on 30 Dec.), and say it cannot be opened now until February. They are threatening to close it permanently unless we stop misusing it just because some unknown person, driver, member of the public or TfL official has carved swastikas on the wall we are all not responsible enough to be given this basic human right! The toilets have been fully functional during all this time, only closed to teach you a lesson as one official put it.

We demand:
1. The toilet be opened immediately and kept open while it is functional. 2. The present unventilated fly infested broom cupboard mess room is converted into expanded toilet facilities, properly ventilated and available at all times for the drivers. 3. A Muslim shower. As the Qur'an advises Muslims to uphold high standards of physical hygiene and to be ritually clean whenever possible, bathrooms should be equipped with a Muslim shower situated next to the toilet, so that individuals may wash themselves. This ablution is required in order to maintain ritual cleanliness. 4. Proper mess room facilities for the 70 odd drivers who have to take their meal breaks at Brent Cross, either a room within the Centre or a portacabin with drinks machine, television and rest facilities. We cannot wait for 5 or 7 years for the new Centre only to be put in another broom cupboard.

Name (print)


Company (if applicable)

Petition produced by London Grass Roots Left PO Box 59188, London, NW2 9LJ

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