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Charles Darwin and the Galpagos

In December 1881, the HMS Beagle set off to survey the South American coast. On the ship was a young naturalist named Charles Darwin. Upon arriving on the Galpagos Islands, Darwin immediately began to search for wildlife to study. He recorded many observations on the plants and animals that have made the islands their home. In Darwins notes, he observed 13 species of finches on the Galpagos Islands. Almost all the finches were similar, except variations in their body dimensions, beak shape, and their eating habits. Darwin hypothesized that the birds competed for shelter and food. The finches with certain traits would survive and produce more offspring, thus eventually making a separate species. His ideas developed into the theory of evolution by natural selection. This meant that organisms with qualities suitable to the environment would endure and reproduce, as stated above. Charles Darwin gave people an idea about organisms and adaptation to surroundings, which has made him famous, even in the present.

~It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. ~ Charles Darwin

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