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What is the 4GB Limit?

A 32-bit operating system uses 32 bits to refer to the location of each byte of memory. 2^32 bytes = 4.2 billion bytes = 4GB This 4GB is the total amount the OS can address.

What is the 4GB Limit?

Subtract from that 4GB all hardware devices that need memory access. Motherboard components, PCI-E video cards, etc. This can be anywhere from ~500MB to 2GB depending largely on amount of RAM on the Video Card. Result is anywhere from 2GB-3.5GB with 4GB of memory installed, unless a 64-bit OS is used.

Why is this important?

Customer education an educated buyer is less likely to point the finger at memory companies, when its a basic limitation of the technology, like dont put metal in the microwave or fire is hot and will burn you. We now sell 4GB kits, a 2x2GB and a 4x1GB. We dont want calls complaining about why their new 4GB kit only shows 3GB, so initially educating the consumer as well as the reseller is key.

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