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...everyones dreams
give values, wisdom, health, caring and creativity


Dreams guide us to eat, or avoid eating, for our best health, and for success and health of family relationships. Dreams suggest to give people and work our valued time, be creative in our work and not to tire ourselves unduly. The key to benefitting from dreams is writing what you see or experience then finding analogies within the words you used. Be in integrity when you say I love you . Show you really care, not just in words... little considerations count. Do not believe everything your dreams convey. Some are cautions of what could happen so if you take action probably wont, and the rest is largely suggestions and hints. NOTE: First impressions from the images often mislead us. Yet analogies in the words can guide us as we read them.

Believe in love. The Creator gives us dreams to guide us to build relationships and love. Never ignore dreams. They are a goldmine for people aware of what they are saying. Some who ignored dreams have perished before their time. Love deeply and passionately. You may get hurt, but it is the only way to live life completely. The commitment is more valuable than you can imagine. It doesnt always work, yet it stands a better chance. Tackle disagreements cleanly, do not offend, yield when you are wrong, and sometimes you are wrong. Knowledge ensures we are wrong less often.

Medicine men, gurus, lamas, prophets, kahunas, dukuns, shamans and druids profitably gleaned more from dreams. Like countless others, they profitted from the information for creativity, relationships, social values, discoveries, direction, health and cautions dreams conveyed. Most learned to trust the Source, not weapons or excesses we clutch in our weaker moments. We learn our protection is in being strong willed, directed and vigilant, not in resorting to weapons, violence or war. Mahatma Gandi showed how. Our days are busy, so can we find what many indigenous peoples already benefit from? Some societies use dreams to live as long as civilized countries do... without high tech medical technology. Yes, they know its the Creator speaking to them. It is a Universal connection directing life. Physician heal thyself is about dreams, used for wellness.

The Cheyenne voice said Forget about how we have made mistakes in the same way as we forget about those who have wronged us... Matt 6:12 Dreams guide us to the 3 Rs: Respect yourself and others, Revere all life, and be Responsible for all your actions. If you make a mistake, fix it... as soon as possible. Smile whenever you answer the phone, the caller will notice. Be in negative moods on your own time... or learn the hope dreams convey for your future, it will improve your attitude.

This was in the original slideshow before Sept 11 2001, with misgivings and a sense of foreboding, yet it represented a focus in our world clearly within realms of our creativity even if the tower are now gone. No terrorist or criminal group can destroy creativity, only creations of people and possibly of the Creator. They reflect destruction, not Creation. They did not know God. Violence is not a solution. They fail to realize were all communicated to by God. Hate reflects in weaker members of our society when they stoop to attacking other faiths. They have been lied to by those who incite violence. God does not sanction any willful taking of life. They are a disgrace. We always need to be vigilant. Hijacking and terrorist acts are not over. Our dreams convey to us what we need to know to preemptively deal with disasters, attacks and any other manner of danger. It is up to us to act preemptively on what we find to protect or apprehend. Will you know what is happening in advance? Will you be ready to act in advance?

Spend time reasoning through your dreams to find the words that bridge the visual analogies to the literal reality. Embrace changes, but avoid rejecting your values. Our dreams supply values and seeds for change... and creativity. Partners are equal even if they arent equal in everything, be it boardroom or bedroom... Men: if intelligence and success are desirable for your children then make sure your wife is well educated. Being so, she is likely to teach the children far more than half of what they will know by the time they have finished school. Read more books, laugh more and share affection. Our dreams and visions all originate from the Creator. Most faiths share that He communicates with us this way.

Do what is needed to keep your home peaceful and harmonious, or the stress will shorten your life. If you must quarrel with someone close, solve the present issue only. Pick battles carefully and as seldom as possible. The real winners discuss and negotiate for solutions. Remember the past. Live for the present. The present is our greatest gift. Plan for the future our dreams supply. To read between the lines, use reasoning. Not everything is said in dreams that you need to know or see. Be immortal: share dreams or their fulfillment... prophets or profits, depending on the results you sought. Dreams turned to profitable or useful avenues are well received. Either way requires meaning then action... planned action.

Did you see the analogy in this picture? Look far ahead, see your role or plans in the future, as dreams show. Accords may not be reached at the end. Many old directions are considered and on the surface it wool seem fuzzy. (binoculars, roll of plans, cord, compass, on wool blanket) Do you hear a cat purring nearby? Cat is an anagram for ACT! Would you act, or not see it? Keep yourself busy following your dreams. Important information was given to us as dreams as we grew and went to school. Without that record to refer to... nearly all the nuggets in the mine were lost, yet we were given so many to start with. Be directed, and directive when required, not controlling. Life is about variety, what have you recently tried, done or seen thats new? Dreams show us new and where to go or what to do. Some of what was new was for you to create.

Learn the rules, so youll know how and when to bend or break them in a proper way. Guidelines and consequences for ignoring them were given by the Creator to us, not laws. (Society makes and needs some laws.) His laws were given to sciences and mathematics ... and they still find new laws. Great relationships show that caring matters more than the need to be together. Dreams show if you are in the right relationship, or how to improve it. What you see and learn from dreams is what you need to know, not always what you want to know, otherwise you may not act... Concepts are not facts or real until you prove them. Face love with total commitment, and avoid expecting too much in return. Some were abused or neglected and find it difficult to return love given them. A well known teacher of this method to improve ones life opened a lesson showing it was based on a use of words. In the beginning was the Word, and the word was the Creator and the Creative. The method was lost to politics later.

Recall your dreams... your life will improve.

1 or 2 dreams a month is a start. Youll get some benefits and see how theyre based on words: homonyms, synonyms, anagrams 1 or 2 dreams a week, youll see many things in life your dreams have shown. Self-discipline gives you 7 a night to choose from... Self1 or 2 dreams a night, your gold nuggets will be mined for your success, in many ways. (Homonyms, Gold=goaled Mined=mind) 3 or 4 dreams a night: youll create, gain health, love, fame and fortune when you learn to put the suggestions and cautions to use. Teach others this, how the Living Creator speaks to all. See how your life improves, and the world too, not instantly yet quickly and constantly. Prophecies are long term cautions. Few people understand what they really are saying or what to do with the information. Do we plan ahead or stand idly by while disaster befalls us? Your choice.

Dreams provide glimpses of our Future

Belief in a Creator and His Word to us is relevant. Reverence for past teachers is not relevant, only respect is due. Belief is not about history, geography, laws, building, form of worship, dress code or a teacher (who showed how to grasp the messages). Those not knowing this may turn others from their dreams aims. Dreams and visions are supplied to ALL of us by the Creator, and its up to us to learn to benefit from them. The messengerteachers each conveyed it in their way, in the best way humans do. Do your children or grandchildren know how to use dreams? Isnt it time they knew? Everyone dreams. Few use them well or regularly. Did we not pay attention to those who used theirs? The Creator speaks more than scriptural languages. He speaks all of them, yet His sensory analogies to us are cross cultural.

A Few Known Benefits of Using Dreams

Creativity Plays Movies Inventions Music Art Literature Poetry Sports Personal paths Problem solving Being proactive Responsibility Career goals Planning Reasoning Timely action Foresight Values learned Self-confidence Self-esteem Observation Memory recall Tolerance Hope/optimism Respect Caring Discoveries Scientific Mathematical Archeological Lost articles Murderers Assassin plots Future events Oddities/Facts Health Diagnosis Suggested diet Cures/remedies Reminders Guidance Builds relations Consideration Integrity Cautions against Dangers to self Dangers to others Accidents/Disasters Detrimental diet Violent encounters Financial failure Misplaced trust Relationship perils When to avoid, avert or prevent problems

Personal Improvements Improved Vocabulary Action against bullying More laughter/humor Preemptive action Longer lives/more trust Inventors/Creators Edison, Ben Franklin, Alexander Graham Bell, Darwin, Einstein, innumerable others

Life Lost/Risked due to Inaction/Disbelief Ship Sinkings: Titanic & others 1000s lost Airlines Crash:KoreanAir 007, EgyptAir 990 Assassinations:Julius Caesar, Lincoln, John Kennedy,Anwar Sadat, Archduke Ferdinand Earthquakes: 100,000s died, many places Volcanoes: Mt St Helens, Montserrat, Krakatoa, Vesuvius, more coming Tsunamis:Hawaii, Japan, Indonesia 1000s Storms/Tornadoes/Typhoons: 1000s of lives Kidnapping/Abductions:too few thwarted Nuclear accidents: Chernobyl 125,000+ lives

This isnt about any denomination or faith. Its about the Origin of most beliefs, dreams. All beliefs have strayed from the main message that the Creator speaks to us regularly through dreams. Were handicapped if we fail to understand what was said, or fail to apply the concepts and knowledge. That can be taught. We have all the information necessary. Some of the training is to be Subjective or experienced, some Objective or reasoned. Its learned easily, yet never perfectly. Books, courses, software and documentaries are either created or planned to expand this lesson. This presentation can be found at

Picture Locations
1. Taj Mahal Agra, India, a tomb of a much loved wife, a symbol of eternal love 2. The Kaaba Mecca, Saudi Arabia, a holy site for Muslims, one corner of black 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.
block holds a meteorite, a relevant object inEnd Times (compare biblical signs) Lynn Canyon Vancouver Canada, a place of tranquil natural beauty The Golden Temple Amritsar, India, a holy site of Sikhs Sistine Chapel Rome Italy, painting represents God creating Adam (first man) Brooklyn Bridge New York USA, suspension bridge, credit to Didier Forray

Bridge Vargas Island Clayoquot Sound, Tofino Canada, a pristine clamshell beach Unknown found on our email, the analogical value was too good to pass up Bonsai photo, from Miniature Bonsai, Herb L Gustafson, Sterling Publ. NY Logo, from cover design in Alan Harmonys first book, published in 1984 Masada Dead Sea, Israel, ancient Jewish settlement and synagogue, laid siege
to by Rome. Some residents are rumored have committed suicide to avoid capture. Galloping Gertie Tacoma Narrows Suspension Bridge (USA) , collapsed in high winds November 7 1940 Still used as an example for engineering students. Optical Illusion, to show what you see isnt always real, as our eyes and mind do play tricks on us. Reality is a fact and logic based perception, and illusions and allusions are analogical and perceptual anomalies within reality. Bahai Temple New Delhi India, creatively designed to look like a lotus flower

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