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A modifier should be placed as close as possible to the word it modifies.

Balanced on one leg, the boy stared at the flamingo. Who is balanced on one leg? Is it the boy or the flamingo? Rewrite the sentence to: The boy stared at the flamingo balanced on one leg. The zoo keeper captured the escaped iguana with a net in his upraised hand. REWRITTEN: With a net in his upraised hand, the zookeeper captured the escaped iguana. When he was nine months old, Jeremys father decided that the family would move to the Philippines. REWRITTEN: When Jeremy was nine months old, his father decided that the family would move to the Philippines. Walking down the street, the flowers were in bloom. REWRITTEN: Walking down the street, I noticed that the flowers were in bloom. NOTE: There are many other possible ways of revising sentences.

Parallelism is the placement of equal ideas in words, phrases and clauses of similar structure.
A good speech is audible, logical and with clarity. The words audible, logical and with clarity describe a good speech.

AUDIBLE and LOGICAL are adjectives. WITH CLARITY is a prepositional phrase.

To make the sentence parallel, it should be rewritten so that all three ideas are similar in structure.


Agood speech is audible, logical and clear.


A good speech is with audibility, logic, and clarity.

A double negative is the use of two negative words in a sentence when only one is needed.
Do not use the words barely, hardly, rarely with another negative. She couldnt eat nothing yesterday. COULDNT and NOTHING are both negative words. Revise the sentence so that it will contain only one negative word. OPTION 1: She couldnt eat anything yesterday. OPTION 2: She could eat nothing yesterday.

Cant you never do anything right? She cant barely recognize him without his glasses. We couldnt hardly stand his violin playing.

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