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com/which-are-the-different-mobile-operating-systems-in-themarket-a-quick-view-for-beginners/ CREATE TABLE Syntax : CREATE TABLE table_name (column_name column_type); Eg : Create table student (firstname varchar(10) not null); Field Attribute NOT NULL is being used because we do not want this field to be NULL. SO if user will try to create a record with NULL value then MySQL will raise an error. INSERT TABLE INSERT INTO table_name ( field1, field2,...fieldN ) VALUES ( value1, value2,...valueN ); INSERT INTO student (firstname, lastname , date)VALUES ("james", "mark", '2007-05-06');

UPDATE TABLE Syntax : Update tablename set fieldname Eg : update users set password = mark Or Update users set password = 123 where firstname = mark;

Fetch Data from command promt:

1 : SELECT * from tablename

Fetch Particul name 2 : SELECT * from tablename where name = james;

Or SELECT * from tablename where name like Delete Table Delete from tablename ; %james%;

DROP TABLE DROP TABLE TABLENAME ; Sorting SELECT * from tablename ORDER BY fieldname ASC; SELECT * from tablename ORDER BY fieldname DESC;

Count Querry Select count (*) from tablename ; Eg : select count (*) from users

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