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Giving effective instructions


Name of the activity: Battleships______________________________________


Source: __________________________________________________________
La presente actividad pretende que elaboris un plan para transmitir a los alumnos las instrucciones para realizar una actividad prctica concreta (es decir, para que les hagis entender qu es lo que tienen que hacer en la actividad). A tal fin, se os sugiere que planteis este plan segn la informacin sobre cmo dar instrucciones efectivas comentada en clase y segn el formato que se presenta a continuacin (la planificacin puede ser elaborada en ingls o espaol; la simulacin de la actividad en clase, sin embargo, se ha de hacer en ingls). Recordad que la actividad sobre las que vais a realizar las instrucciones contienen sugerencias de planteamiento didctico; no obstante, las debis revisar (muchas de esas sugerencias omiten pasos y estrategias fundamentales para clarificar las instrucciones, son insuficientes, etc.). Verbal instructions
Revising vocabulary of days and time - Good morning children, how are you today? Today is. Monday! Great! And, tomorrow? Tuesday!! Very Good! What about yesterday? Was it Friday? No? What day was yesterday? Sunday! Excellent! Very good, children. Now, you see.. I have got a new watch, can you see it? My watch is magic, it can tell you the hours. For example: now its quarter past nine. Maria, do you have a watch? Yes? Can you tell me the time? Its twenty past nine. Thats right! Ana, what time do you wake up in the morning to go to school? . And you Sofia? Good, excellent! Introducing them the new game As we are excellent experts at telling the hour and we all know the days of the week, today were going to play a game, Time Battleships. Do you know this game? No? Dont worry, Im going to explain how to play so, please, pay attention. Its a very funny game. Ok, we have an example on the board. Look at it. Can you see it? Catching their attention with the rules of the game -You have different types of ships, as you can see. Youll have four of the smaller one made up of one square, then, three ships made up of two squares; you have two ships made up of three squares, and, the last ones, one big ship made up of four squares. -So, I am going to explain you the first part of the game, this is what you have to do: you have to place each battleship drawing them on your grid, but they must be separated, they cant touch each other. Remember, you have to draw ten battleships: four one square ships, three two square ships, two three square ships and one four square ship. Ok? Everyone

Actions, mime, gestures, pictures, vocal effects, etc.

-The teacher will revise the days of the week and the time asking them some simple questions about their daily routine. For that, the teacher will use his/her own watch and some pupils watches in order to contextualize the activity and make it more enjoyable.

-The teacher will show them one grid with different types of battleships. When he/she names a specific ship, he/she will point out that specific ship with his/her finger. This grid will be stuck on the wall for everyone to see it.

-The teacher will show them every battleship at the time she speaks, letting some children drawing them on the blackboard as they imagine the battleships.

DIEI _ MLE . Giving effective instructions

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------understood? Ale, come here, please. Can you draw a three square ship on the blackboard? Very good! Nuria, can you draw a two square ship? So good! Has everybody understood this first part? Excellent! -Ok, children, now Im going to explain some rules about this game: First rule and very important: your battleships are not allowed to touch each other and they cannot be drawn in a diagonal line, ok? So, they must be drawn in a horizontal line or in a vertical position. Miriam, can you show your partners how a horizontal line is? Good! And a vertical line? Excellent! Second rule. Be careful, dont let your partners see where your battleships are because they have to guess where your battleships are. Now I am going to explain the second part or the game: To guess your partners ship you have to say a day of the week and a time of the day which are on the table. For example, Monday 3 oclock. If you say Monday 3 oclock and theres no ship on you partners board, your partner will say missed and you will lose your turn. But, if theres a ship where you said, then, your partner will say hit and he/she will mark the square hit. -If you hit all the squares of a battleship, the battleship sinks and if you sink all your partners battleships, you win! So, lets check if you have understood how to play. Who wants to play with me? Rocio, can you come here? We are going to show your partners how to play. Can you draw you battleships? Are you ready? Ok. Your turn! Thursday, quarter past seven. Mmm you are very good! Hit! Its your turn again because you have guessed one battleship, all right? Thursday, ten past two. Im sorry, missed! Now its my turn. Mmm Friday, three oclock! Missed!!!. Has anybody got any doubt? No? Good. -Now, who wants to play with Rocio? Laura! You are very energetic today! Can you come here and show us how to play? Remember the rules: draw ten battleships, no diagonal lines, only vertical and horizontal lines, they cant touch each other, ok? So lets start! - Now, I want one of you to explain, in Spanish, how to play, just to make sure that you have understood. Who dares? Monica! Very good! Can you explain us the rules of the game in Spanish? Thank you! -Now, as everybody knows how to play, we are ready to play. We are going to play in pairs, so play with your right partner. Raul, do you know what a pair is? -The teacher will indicate with her hand a diagonal line and will ask some of the pupils to explain to their partners what they can and they cant do.

-Teacher will point to an hour in the grid and ask for the time to some of the children, and put some examples of battleships (showing the position of the ship) and make the children to say the day and the time where the ships are.

-The teacher will ask a pupil to come to the front of the class and they will make a short demonstration of how the game it is played. It is very important to choose someone who had understood the game.

-The teacher will ask for another volunteer. They will be at the front of the class and they will show to their mates how to play. The teacher will revise the rules of the game while they are playing

-The teacher will ask for a volunteer to explain the game in his/her mother tongue.

-The teacher will organise the class making groups of two people in order to avoid disturbance.

DIEI _ MLE . Giving effective instructions

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Two people. Very good! Has everybody got his/her partner? Excellent! Now we can start playing!

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