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Timur Abimanyu,SH.


Decrease Poverty and Autopilot

Deifying a country such as aircraft without a pilot, is it possible ?

Based on data from the Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS), Indonesia in 2011 the poverty rate reached 30.02 million people and that number decreased 1 million people compared to the year 2010. In terms of percentage, when in 2010 his presentation achieved 13.33%, then in 2011 dropped to 12.49%. So there is a decrease of approximately 0.8%. Decreased levels of poverty is certainly not just happen, but it is the result of government's work program carried out in a planned and consistent. Unlike the pessimistic group suspected that this country can be run automatically without the government. Like a moving plane on autopilot. Critics, for example, stated that the government should not do anything else, aka sleep-sleep only to achieve economic growth in 2011 which reached 6.3%, growth rate can be achieved with the autopilot. If you take the example above the poverty level decreased, then the question is it true that poverty reduction is only a blessing alone, without the need for government efforts or occurring on autopilot?. The answer, of course not. Because the data based on the Coordinating Ministry for People's Welfare, through the Presidential Regulation. 13 of 2009 on the Coordination of Poverty which was then renewed by Presidential Regulation. 15 In 2010 the government has been programmed to reduce poverty, which are grouped into three program groups (three clusters).

Reaching education is only wishful thinking......? First, the social assistance programs are directed at the family-based integrated to reduce the burden of

expenditure of poor families. Included in this cluster, among others, a). PKH (Family Hope Program). Recipients of PKH Budget allocation increased steadily from year to year. In 2011, a total of Very Poor Households (RSTM) that received PKH RSTM some 1.3 million with a total budget of Rp. 2 trillion; b). Assistance program subsidized rice to poor households (Raskin). This program contributes 35% of the food needs of Poor Households (RTM), c). Public health insurance program (Jamkesmas) for the poor. Of the 236 million people, 63.13% or 149 million people already have health insurance with various models.

whether this man or beast ..... !!!!!!!!! In 2014 the social health insurance will be hosted by BPJS health; and school operational assistance (BOS) which is intended to free tuition for students who can not afford and the cost of education for other students. In 2011, the amount of funding assistance through the program BOS learners of Rp. 16812.01 billion and have increased about 40% for the year 2012 amounting to Rp 23 trillion. Second, group-based community empowerment program aimed at improving self-reliance so as to engage actively in the development process by improving and increasing the effectiveness of the implementation of the National Community Empowerment Program (PNPM). In 2010 PNPM implemented in 6328 with the District budget allocation of Rp. 11 408 billion. While in the year 2010 increased executed in 6622 districts with budget allocation of Rp. 13 138 billion.

look at the facts .... against poverty.......!!! Third, group-based program of economic empowerment of micro and small enterprises in order to improve access of the poor and SMEs to sources of capital and other productive resources, including funds for people's credit (KUR). Distribution of KUR include (1) credit as high as Rp. 20 million for the KUR Micro and (2) above Rp. 20 million up to Rp. 500 million retail remedy KUR. Collateral is subject to KUR feasibility and object-funded, while the government provided the guarantee fund is used to guarantee 70% of the ceiling of KUR (additional collateral) which required the bank. Guarantee provided by the government in the form of state capital participation (PMN) to Perum Jamkrindo and PT Askrindo. Minister for Economic Affairs in the Cabinet meeting stated that the People's Business Credit targeted

distribution or KUR planned Rp. 30 trillion in 2012. The target is an increase compared to the distribution of KUR in 2011 which reached Rp. 28.6 billion with 1.9 million borrowers. The distribution of KUR has reached at 143.1% of the target of Rp 20.00 trillion or 166% of the distribution of KUR in 2010 amounted to Rp. 17.2 trillion. Of the achievements of KUR and target achievement in 2012, then since 2010 the number of KUR continue to rise. This suggests that the KUR increasingly in demand by employers for micro, small and medium enterprises. From the description above is very clear that the poverty reduction program designed by the government (three groups of programs) that succeeded in reducing poverty in Indonesia as indicated by the BPS. Poverty alleviation program is implemented through the efforts of coordination, both between programs, between central and local governments and between development actors. In addition, the government is also trying to maintain a conducive macro-economic conditions in order to create employment, particularly formal employment and price stability so as to further accelerate poverty reduction efforts. Thus there is government interference in efforts to reduce poverty levels. Reducing poverty in Indonesia can not happen on autopilot, but there is a big role of government. Hopefully we're used to give an appreciation of the real work of others. Hopefully. =========================== By Timur Abimanyu, SH.MH The data mentioned above is the data that are in the gray area, basically data coming from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) is a data field that is not based on facts and phenomena that terjadi.Dimana reducing poverty, the welfare of the People has not been realized with well with the budget that has been issued is very big on the fact that poor people can not reach the government program. Many government policies are inversely on the facts in the field, which is a data that does not really fit with reality. These government policies which cause people to become arrogant, frustrated because the situation can not be controlled by the government and people of Indonesia as a result feel that without a government and a president of Indonesia is still able to walk. Which resulted in this view that the Government / Prersiden as if all policies are not useful to the interests of the people of Indonesia. Just look at the facts on the ground, that there are still people who do not know the Indonesia rupiah, let alone to read, this is the social aspect that must be studied and analyzed with a deep, if the state and nation do not want to experience the destruction of Indonesia. Keep in mind that the main foundation of a State or government is a prosperous and prosperous people. source of data : http://www.googlecom

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