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Ulysses S.

Ulysses S. Grant was born April 27, 1822. He lived in Point Pleasant, Ohio then moved and was raised for sixteen years at Georgetown, Ohio. As he grew older, he learned how to plow and farm. In 1839, at the age of 16 he attended West Point Military School because his father knew he was smart and that he needed a good education. So he wrote them and Ulysses got accepted. After finishing his school years in 1843, he proceeded with his military duties. He led his first troop in the Mexican war; and so his battling days began. 1846; Grant lead his first group of troops forward in the war and fought. After him, his troops and the rest of the military fought and conquered Mexico City, Grant was promoted to captain. Later in 1848 he married his wife Julia Dent, they had one daughter on August 22, 1848 and one son later. A few years went by and he resigned from the military for being drunk all the time. Then he came back and in 1862, he was promoted to a major general. Then two years later he again was promoted to Lieutenant general. Later, after the Civil war he and his family went all over Europe. When he returned he was greeted with open arms by the towns people. They even gave his family a house in Galena, Illinois. But he rarely went there. He then went was elected President in 1868. He retired after being president for 8 years. . He went back to his home in New York in 1881. He retired with a relatively large amount of money (100,000). He lost it all though when he invested in his sons business Grant and Ward. But for money he wrote articles in a magazine about the war. Then he wrote his life memoirs. They were published by a famous author, known as Mark Twain. He earned rougly half of a million dollars.

In, his final years he got cancer. He knew he was going to die soon, so he moved his family to Mount MeGregor, New York. But he died shortly after in 1885, shortly after completing his memoirs. But his loyal people were so sad they made a big memorial in New York. It is still there today, and people still look up to him.

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