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In this year ,i did not went to anywhere.i just stayed in my home ,while waited my aunt gave birth.actually we were already planned it ,that was, in this year we would celebrated christmas in kupang with my grandpa,there. But because that, we must be postponed our planned to kupang. Along holiday,after my aunt entered to hospital,i was very busy, because in the morning and afternoon, i must be delivered hot water,food,cloth to hospital especially for my aunt,uncle and my mother(as a guard) After 3 days ago since , my aunt hospitalized in hospital,finally my cousin was born,after hear that, from my mother ,i was very glad and uproar,it cause i thought that i was render a serve of it. Althought, i did not enjoyed my holiday ,but i always happy ,because from it ,i could learnt something that was : helped someone in christmas was the biggest prizes that god sent to me ,he would remained me that,help was not a task ,but it was a prize.because if someone she/he helped someone in christmas , she/he would got a prizes in the future.

The end.......

Name Class

: Bahy Heku Mure Agustinus : x3

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