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Physiologic Problem List 1. Risk for violence (page 153-nrsg diagnoses) 2.

Risk for injury , Resting tremors, Diplopia (page 192) 3. Sleep disturbances/ intermittent sleep

4. Hypertension, Obesity, Constipation 5. Irritability, Anxiety ,Fatigability 6. Self care deficit (page 164)

Problem Insomnia



Actual Impaired sleep pattern r/t side effects of antipsychotic agents 2 to schizophrenia Altered nutrition: more than body requirements r/t compulsive eating, excessive intake in relation to metabolic needs, sedentary lifestyle

Potential Risk for fatigability r/t lack of sleep 2 to antipsychotic agents Risk for

Risk for Hypertension


Risk for


Self-care deficit: grooming r/t lack of interest in body appearance,

Risk for

Physical immobility

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