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nd your place - nourish your soul - change your world

the table

Worship Outline
Gathering Time
Members of our community gather for coffee and donuts before worship. The praise team begins playing a song to draw folks in to worship - it might be secular or worshipful, depending on the theme and focus of the day.

We want guests and visitors to feel especially comfortable and know, above all, that they are welcome. We close this time by having our participants turn to those around them and say, Welcome to the Table! The Table is East Dallas C h r i s ti a n C h u r c h s n e w worshipping community that meets at 9:30 AM on Sunday mornings. We are a missional community in that our primary focus is to go and be Christs ambassadors in all areas of our life. Our worship time is thus a mix of music, conversation, ritual, and word. We blend all manner of songs in our worship, secular and c h u r c h y, h y m n a n d contemporary, reggae and rock, musical theatre and Taize, new and ancient. The ow of our worship time is simple - we gather as guests, are fed as Christs beloved, and go out to share Gods love wherever life takes us. As a community, we are intent on creating opportunities for worship and mission to happen everyday, not just on church days.

We usually do 1-2 songs, possibly with short readings or a call to worship or other pieces to bridge them.

Our prayer times vary times for sharing (joys & concerns), pastoral prayers, and prayer stations. All are invitational and leave options for everyone to meet God as they are comfortable that day.

We transition in preparation for a sermon with a softer, reflective song.

Scripture Reading & Message

Our messages are intended to be more conversational than in other traditional settings. Sometimes, there is back and forth talk and reflection. Other times, it is more like a sermon. We also use skits, dramatic readings, and movie clips to introduce themes.

Our preacher and an elder lead in communion, done by intinction. The offering is also received during this time.

Our last action together is response - how will we respond to Gods word today? We challenge one another to live what we have heard and discovered. This time also includes announcements, a basic invitation, and a song or word of benediction.

more info: - - (214) 824-8185 - twitter: tabledallas

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