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Emotional Intelligence is very important for managers as it is one of the important deciding factor for relationship management resulting in motivation, retention , self management & managing others.

Emotional Intelligence
Emotional Intelligence is the ability of an individual to deal successfully with other people , to manage ones self, motivate other people, understand one's own feelings and appropriately respond to the everyday environment

Emotional Intelligence
In Working with Emotional Intelligence, author Daniel Goleman defines EI in the workplace as the ability of employees to recognise: Their own feelings The feelings of others What motivates them How to manage their emotions, both in themselves and in relationships with others

Emotional Intelligence
Emotional Intelligence doesn't mean being soft it means being intelligent about emotions a different way of being smart. Emotional intelligence is your ability to acquire and apply knowledge from your emotions and the emotions of others in order to be more successful and lead a more fulfilling life.

When Managers Fail, It is Usually Due To Poor Emotional Intelligence by Freda Turner

Bosses and leaders, in particular, need high EQ because they represent the organization to the public, they interact with the highest number of people within and outside the organization and they set the tone for employee morale, says Goleman

Leaders with empathy are able to understand their employees needs and provide them with constructive feedback, he says

Why Emotional Intelligence is necessary for managers

Helps managers handle adversity & setback

Teaches managers cope when change & uncertainty hits organisation or their personal lives.

Why Emotional Intelligence is necessary for managers

Help them manage effective relationship.

Help them being focussed and stay on track by remembering purpose & vision.

EQ & Managers
Emotional Intelligence is very important for managers as their behaviour & treatment of their people determine turnover and retention of the company.Managers & supervisors are the direct line of contact for the employees.They interact daily with individuals who have distinct needs, wants & expectations.They significantly influence the attitudes, performance & satisfaction of employees within their departments & other departments.

EQ is very important for managers as they are direct line of contact & their behaviour & treatment determines retention & turnover

EQ & Managers
The stress of trying to lead and satisfy so many people's changing needs and expectations can be overwhelming, to say nothing of the demands from upper management. Being both firm and caring at the same time causes many to feel inadequate for the role..

85 % percent of turnover is reportedly due to an inadequate relationship between the employee and their direct supervisor

When trust is lacking performance suffers

EQ & Managers

Enhancing EI skills enables Supervisors and Managers to regulate their emotions and motivate themselves more effectively allowing them to manage their own emotional turmoil effectively and demonstrate compassion and empathy for their employees.

IT also provides them with the courage to push against the system to make necessary changes for their people.

All employees want a supportive, caring Supervisor or Manager who has their best interests at heart

EQ & Managers
Knowing this, the employee will be more likely to turndown offers from other companies to work for such a person.

Example to illustrate how EQ can positively or negatively impact one's career and the organization:

She racked up a list of accomplishments Upon graduating from college, Debra believed that if she worked hard, she would achieve her career success goals

However, just two years into her career she was fired.

Example to illustrate how EQ can positively or negatively impact one's career and the organization:
Debra Benton reports in her book, Lions Don't Need to Roar, "I was stunned ... college courses had not addressed the importance of people skills or being a team player. That lack of knowledge cost me my job." She thought work was all about producing results. While working with an outplacement firm, Debra met other high producers who had lost their jobs for the same reason.

That lack of people management cost her job

The number one-factor that sets high-powered professionals apart from the pack is a high level of emotional intelligence, compassion and energy to function in a team environment Debra soon learned that shooting stars have a short life cycle if they are unable to relate to and understand others.

An Example of EQ

Suppose that the morning of a big presentation you have a fight with any of your family member. Not a big argument maybe just one of those unnerving spats about who forgot to pick up the dry cleaningso your morning doesnt get off on the right foot. Then you car is punctured upping your stress level a bit more. When you arrive at work, theres a problem with the elevators, causing more delay. Arriving at the conference room for your presentation, you find that the sound system doesnt work and the caterer hasnt shown up with refreshments. Your junior associatewho was supposed to call the catererbears the brunt of your anger that has been building since you left the house.

Types of EQ

Working with people means working with Emotions

When people are working at a common place , emotions will play a role. theories to the contrary notwithstanding. Dont bring your personal problems to work is one variation of the argument that emotions are inappropriate in the workplace. Business decisions, so the argument goes, should be based on information, logic and calm cool reason, with emotions kept to a minimum.

Managing Emotions at Workplace

But it is unrealistic to suppose that emotions can be checked at the door when you arrive at work. Some people may assume, for a variety of reasons, that emotional neutrality is an ideal, and try to keep feelings out of sight. Such people work and relate in a certain way: usually they come across as rigid, detached or fearful, and fail to participate fully in the life of the workplace. This is not necessarily bad in some situations, but it is usually not good for an organization for such people to move into management roles. The same would be true for people who emote excessively, who tell you how they feel about everything. Simply being around them can be exhausting.

Developing EI in the workplace

Developing emotional intelligence in the workplace means acknowledging that emotions are always present, and doing something intelligent with them. People vary enormously in the skill with which they use their own emotions and react to the emotions of othersand that can make the difference between a good manager and a bad one.

Its not overly egalitarian to suggest that most professionals, managers and executives are fairly smart people (of course there can be glaring exceptions), but there can be a huge difference in how well they handle people. That is, the department manager may be a genius in technical, product or service knowledgeand get failing marks in terms of people skills.

Importance of Emotional Intelligence

People derail because of classic emotional failings, not the lack of technical skills Developing emotional intelligence can help companies generate productive & profitable outcome.The manager who knows how to stay motivated understress , motivate others, navigate complex interpersonal relationships, inspire others and build teams who is an unchallenged expert on a product or service will get superior results

Components of Emotional Intelligence

There are five parts to it. One is knowing what you're feeling. The second is managing your feelings, especially distressing feelings. The third is selfmotivation, the fourth is empathy and the fifth is managing relationships

Probabilities of not having an Good Emotional Intelligence and their consequences

While people have shown they can produce better results at workplace, many of us lack emotional intelligence.We simply dont know how to perceive, understand,express and manage our emotions effectively.There are adverse consequences to have low emotional intelligence.These includes:Relationship Problems Rage in the Workplace Poor decision making capability failure to advance in career

Rage in the workplace Relationship Problems

Poor decision making capability

failure to advance in career

How EQ succedes IQ
Emotional Intelligence explains why inspite of equal intellectual capacity, educational background,training or experience some people excel while others of same caliber and high educational degree lag behind. Emotional Intelligence is the dimension of intelligence responsible for our ability to manage ourselves and our relationship with others.

EQ versus IQ

EQ verses IQ
In the business world so much of emphasis has been placed on intellect.Intellect has proven invaluable invaluable to drive our success in business.Process and procedures based on analysis,logic,strategies are critically important However to get the higher level of competence in business we must blend the progress that we have made in using intellect & IQ with the invaluable competencies of EQ.

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