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Name:______________________ #:______ Date:___________________

Language Test: Compound Words/Writing Time to try our very best. Read carefully!
Standards: CC L.21, L.22a, L.23 CC W.2.3

Stop and Think: Think about the word butterfly. This word is a compound word. What makes a word a compound word? Directions: Read each sentence. Circle the best answer for each question. 1. What is the meaning of a compound word? a. A person, place, or thing b. Two words that are put together to make a new word. c. Words that describe nouns. 2. What is the correct way to write these two words as a compound word: foot + ball? a. foot ball b. football c. ballfoot 3. What is the correct way to write these two words as a compound word: air + plane? a. airplane b. planeair c. air plane 4. Which word is a compound word? a. redo b. watermelon c. beginning 5. Which word is a compound word? a. review b. cowboy c. New Orleans

Name:______________________ #:______ Date:___________________ Compound Word Riddles

Directions: Choose a word from the bank to complete each riddle. Write the new compound word. Two words will not be used! Ex: He threw an icy snowball at his sister. snowball hall base litter news bed class time. pot. way.
paper on Saturday morning. ball. way.

flower high

6. I always brush my teeth before ___________________________ 7. She planted the daisy in the ___________________________ 8. At school, do not run in the ____________________________
9. My dad likes to read the 10. My favorite sport is

11. Coach Mac directs the cars on the _____________________________

Name:______________________ #:______ Date:___________________

Writing Review
Directions: Circle the letter with the correct choice. Look for the BEST answer.

12. What is a narrative? a. A fantasy story about imaginary characters b. a real story only about scientific topics c. real or make believe story about events in one's life 13. What are time order words in writing? a. words like one, two, three, four, and five b. words like first, next, and last c. words like start, go, and stop 14. What should narratives always include? a. topic sentence only b. beginning, end, time-order words c. title page, illustration, and page numbers

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