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The Effects of Human Activity on the Environment Humans beings, more than any other living organism on earth,

have brought tremendous changes to the environment. As the human population grows, more forests are cleared to make way for houses and factories. As a result, many species of flora and fauna are losts. Land is also required for agriculture to produce enough food for the increasing population. This clearing of land has resulted in nthe siltation of rivers. This happens when rain falls and washes loose soil into rivers. Rivers then become choked with this loose soil. The siltation of the rivers in turn leads to flash floods in low-lying areas. The loss of forests has also resulted in increased temperatures and a decline in rainfall. When trees are cut, the carbon cycle is disturbed, resulting in an increase in the amount of carbon dioxide in the air. This level of carbon dioxide leads to global warming. This is why many areas in the world have now reported higher temperatures. Here in Malaysia, it has been noted that temperatures in Cameron Higlands and Genting Highlands have increased and these hill resorts are no longer as cool as they used to be. Global warming has led to the fear of the polar caps melting. If this happens, massive flooding will take place. Many low-lying countries will submerged. The increased amount of industrial activity has led to increased air, water and land pollution. Factories belch poisonous gases into the environment and in the event of rain, such chemicals are washed into the water tables and into rivers. The increase in population has also led to growing mountains of urban solid waste in municipal waste dumps all over the world. The environment has also suffered greatly from unrest in various parts of the world. Improved warfare has led to the total devastation of large areas of land. During the Iran-Iraq war in th 1990s, oil wells were burnt, causing thick clopuds of smoke to form and choke the air. Today, with the use of nuclear warheads, the environment is further threatened by radiation. We have done great harm to Mother Earth. It is time we become more responsible towards our environment.

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