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Based on the novels below, write about the ending briefly.

Potato People The Prisoner of Zenda

The novel that I choose is The Prisoner of Zenda. At the end of the novel, Rudolf Rassendyll manages to save the King after trying so many times. Rassendyll got the key to the room where the King was imprisoned. He got injured fighting the guards but succeeded saving the King. Duke Michael was also killed at the end of the story. Rupert Hensau, one of his man of the Famous Six, fights with him over Antoinette de Mauban. Duke Michael was killed by Rupert during the fight. Another event that happened at the end was that Rassendyll later told Princess Flavia the truth about his impersonation. She was in disbelief but because of their loyalty towards the King, they agreed to part. Rassendyll returned to England and Princess Flavia marries the King. Overall, at the end of the story, the King was saved and Duke Michael was killed.

Based on the novels below, describe an incident that you think is interesting. Give evidence from the novel to support your answer. Potato People The Prisoner of Zenda

The novel that I choose is The Prisoner of Zenda. This story is about how Rudolf Rassendyll helps the King of Ruritania save his throne. The event that is interesting is when Rudolf Rassendyll met King Rudolf the Fifth by accident. They were friendly with each other. They realized that they looked alike and this similarity was also known by Colonel Sapt and Fritz. It is interesting because when the King was unable to attend his coronation, Rassendyll was asked to take his place to save the crown from the Duke Michael. The Kings men were in the conspiracy and they carried off the event successfully. I find this interesting because Princess Flavia also believed he was the King although there were times that she was not too certain. Moreover, she fell in love with Rassendyll. Overall, I think the event that is interesting is when Rassendyll met with the King.

Based on the novels below, do you like the ending of the story. Give evidence from the novel to support your answer. Potato People The Prisoner of Zenda

The novel that I choose is The Prisoner of Zenda. This story is about how Rudolf Rassendyll helps the King of Ruritania save his throne. I do not like the ending of this story because firstly, Rudolf Rassendyll did not get to be the King. He had done so many things to save Ruritania such as impersonate the King and fight Duke Michaels men. He also got injured while trying to save the King. I believe he deserves to be the King. Secondly, I do not like the ending of the story because Rasendyll did not get to marry Princess Flavia. They loved each other very much. They had to sacrifice their love because of their loyalty towards the King. Although their intention was good which is for the Ruritanias peace, it is sad to see them not together. Thirdly, I do not like the ending of the story because Rassendyll had to go back to

England. He did not want to disturb Princess Flavia and the King. I think the King should give him a job after what he has done to save the King. Overall, I do not like the ending of the story because Rassendyll did not get to be the King, can not be together with Princess Flavia and had to go back to England.

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