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We both have a great deal of liking of ancient history, causing us to choose a topic going back to ancient history.

We both had watched some unique videos on the Battle of Kadesh and Ramses II. This had inspired us to choose the Egyptian Hittite Peace Treaty. Because we are people who enjoy and want to maintain peace, think that this is a big revolution that was a reaction to war. Treaties stand as the basis of peace by ending wars and settling disputes. Altogether, our topic not only strongly interested us, but it also fit in nicely with this year s theme. Prior to this, we also both enjoyed reading and studying Egyptian history. We conducted research in various ways. For certain books with a great deal of information, we took our time and created multiple pages of notes. On sources with some information, we took one page notes. Some encyclopedias and articles that had mediocre quality information, gave us sources to much more detailed and reliable information. Altogether we had a great deal of notes in flashcards and in bullet format. We also watched a few videos and took video notes. We didn't face any problems during research; in fact it went pretty smoothly. Both of us have worked together in the past, and we were on task during the course of the actual research. We found a great deal of sources including e- books, encyclopedias, books, websites, and articles. We were able to find quite a few sources. The main problem we faced was later, during research. As we did our media project our website sources swelled as we had to have sources for all our websites. We chose to do a website as a media project for various reasons. First of all, we both have had first-hand experience in making past websites from our elementary school. Secondly, we felt as though a documentary s time limit was too short to capture all the footage we needed, whereas neither of us were artistic enough to make a poster board. So we came to the decision of making a website. Lastly, our topic fits in perfectly with this year s theme, revolution, reaction, and reform. The Egyptian Hittite Peace treaty was essentially a reaction to the costly Battle of Kadesh. On the other hand it was a revolution because it had tied the Egyptians and Hittites together while stopping the Assyrian threat. Lastly, it is a reform since it was the first peace treaty in the world. Being the first, it set a standard solution to settling despites and a standard way of ending wars. Altogether, as a reaction to the decades long dispute between the Egyptians and the Hittites that culminated in the Battle of Kadesh in Syria in 1274 BC, a revolutionary Hittite-Egyptian Peace Treaty, the first peace treaty in the world, was made between the two superpowers, which reformed the world of war and peace forever through its application of ending and settling disputes.

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