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65 years of Age

Impaired physical Mobility as evidence by joint stiffness and pain risk for Arthritis.

Short Term: Within 8 hours: Pain scaled from 1-10. 10 as maximum.

Independent: 1. Palpate the area of Pain.

Goals are met. Patients pain is Alleviated. Patients joints display a normal ROM and are functioning well. Patients temperature displays as 36 C. Patient verbalizes no presence of pain.

Subjective: From Patient: Fatigue Malaise, sore and stiff joints. Objective: Fatigue, Malaise, sore and stiff joints are symptoms for possible arthritis. Subjective: From Wife: Low grade-fever Losing of weight Objective: Fever is a possible sign for infection. *DIAGNOSED with possible Arthritis*

Long Term: Within 2 days: Patient verbalizes no presence of pain. Patient displays no signs of stiff joints and sore joints. Patients temperature will have 36-37 C. Patients Pain will be alleviated to a pain scale of 0.

To determine the areas diameter of infection.

2. Ask the Patient to scale the Pain from 110.

To determine the
3. Put ice-pack on affected area.

patients level of pain endured.

To numb the pain.

4. Perform physical assessment on vital signs.

To determine the level

of fever. 5. Ask the patient to stand and record the findings

To document the

patients weight and compare it to any old record to determine if the patient has indeed lost weight.

Collaborative: Dietary management: 1. Educate patient to drink plenty of Milk.

Calcium helps fortify the patients bones and risk for osteoporosis.

2. Increase Fluid intake.

Fluids can help the

patients fluid balance.

Independent: 6. Administer medications for Pain relief and Fever control.

To control the

patients fever and pain endured.

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