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Name: ___________________________________________


Week #:



What is the value of What is the value of What is the value of What is the value of the 7 in 387? the 5 in 258? the 4 in 34? the 1 in 210?


What is the value of What is the value of What is the value of What is the value of the 2 in 926? the 3 in 360? the 9 in 193? the 6 in 609?

Which place is the 5 in? 635

Which place is the 4 in? 248

Which place is the 7 in? 730

Which place is the 8 in? 482

Write in standard form: eighty two

Write in standard form: thirty five

Write in word form: 23

Write in word form: 30

John has 12 apples. Mikasia has 15 apples. How many apples do they have in all?

Lisa had 21 pieces of candy and Jose had 5. How many pieces did they have in all?

I made 18 cookies. My brother ate 4. How many were left?

Ms. Smith had 19 pencils. She gave away 8. How many did she have left?

Score: _______ / 20

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