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Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

By: John Michael Manlupig Pitoy

Predisposing Factors Old age (72 yrs old) Socioeconomic status

Precipitating Factors Exposure to chemical irritants such cigarette smoke

Mucosal Inflammation

productive cough with thick and mucupurulent sputum Decreased tactile fremitus

Mucosal Edema Hypertrophy of bronchial mucus glands

Muscle Contraction Bronchial smooth muscle cell hyperactivity

Mucus Secretion Goblet cell hyperplasia

Narrowing of bronchial lumen


Squamous cell metaplasia

Nasal flaring and use of accessory muscle Dyspnea

Obstruction of airflow

Accumulation of secretions

Decrease ventilation

Impaired gas exchange

Air trapping



Vasoconstriction of blood vessels

Respiratory acidosis

Pulmonary hypertension

Increase workload in the right side of the heart

Right sided heart failure

Bipedal edema Jugular vein distention

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