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Google Mail Keyboard and Search Shortcuts

The complete list:

Navigating Messages List

x Enter or o Shift + o j k u

Enable keyboard shortcuts: 1. From Google Mail, click the Settings link. 2. On the General tab, click Keyboard shortcuts on. 3. Save your changes.

Select message Open currently focused message ( ) Open currently focused message in a new window Move down to previous message Move up to next message Refresh the message list

Moving and Marking Selected Messages

y or e #

Archive message (y removes label when in label view) Delete the message Open Move to menu (use autocomplete to select label) Open Labels menu (use autocomplete to select label) Open More Actions menu (use to select action)

v l . (period)
Shift + u z m

Composing and Responding to Messages

c Tab + Enter Ctrl + s y or e # r a f Shift + c Shift + a Shift + f n p Shift + n u [ or ] Esc

Marks selected read messages as unread Undo last action Mute the conversation (mailing lists only)

Compose a new message Send the message Save the message as a draft Archive message (y removes label when in label view) Delete the message Reply to the sender Reply to sender and all recipients Forward the message Compose message in a new window Reply in a new window Forward in a new window In a conversation, move down to the previous message In a conversation, move up to the next message Update conversation when a new message arrives Return to the message list Archive current message, then open next/previous message Remove the cursor from your current input field

Additional Shortcuts
? /

Show list of all keyboard shortcuts Place cursor in Search field Go to All Mail Go to Sent Mail Go to Contacts Go to Inbox Go to Drafts Go to Starred Select/unselect all messages in message list Select all read/unread messages in message list Select all starred/unstarred messages in message list Forward all messages in a conversation Expand all messages in a conversation

g then a g then t g then c g then i g then d g then s

+ a or n + r or u + s or t

Search Tips: Try the Advanced Search link next to the Search field. Type the whole word. Search is not case-sensitive.
The latest shortcuts:

Email Management Methodology Information: GTD (Getting Things Done): Inbox Zero: Trusted Trio:

Search Operators and Shortcuts

Shortcut from: to: subject: "" OR
must be uppercase

Action Search for sender Search for recipient Search in subject line Search for exact phrase Matches terms Exclude terms from search Group search words using AND Group search words using OR Search by label Search to/from mailing lists Sent during specified time (format: yyyy/mm/dd) Search in the Inbox, Trash or Spam, or All labels Search messages that are starred, unread, or read Search cc: and bcc: fields Search for attachments Search attachments by name or type Search for chat messages

Examples from:me from:joe to:joe subject:legal subject:legal from:lee "purchase order" receipt OR invoice from:amy OR lee subject:order new new books today from:amy (legal law) from:amy {legal law} from:joe in:action Sent from you Sent from Joe To Joe To anyone at Contains "legal" in the subject From Lee with "legal" in subject Contains "purchase order" Contains the words "receipt" or "invoice" From either Amy or Lee Subject contains "order" but not "new" Contains "new books" but not "today" From Amy, contains "legal" and "law" From Amy, contains "legal" or "law" From Joe, with the label "Action" To or from "" Sent/received after January 27, 2009 Sent/received after May 1, 2008 and before July 31, 2008

- (hyphen) () {} in: or label: list: after: before: in:inbox in:trash in:spam in:anywhere is:starred is:unread / read cc: / bcc: has:attachment filename: is:chat

after:2009/1/27 after:2008/5/1 before:2008/7/31 in:inbox to:amy in:anywhere review is:unread from:amy cc:lee has:attachment from:me filename:project is:chat project

Sent to Amy and in your inbox Contains "review" in All Mail, Spam, Trash Unread messages from Amy Message ccd to Lee Messages sent from you containing an attachment Messages with attachments named "project" Any chat message using the word "project"


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