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In Florida a girl swam all the way out into the ocean and saw all different colors

in the water so she went under water and found cork under the water and soled them to raise money for breast cancer and she is 10 years old so I wanted to give her a shout out to Greta. You can buy the cute little rabbit for 10:00$ each mouth. There was a little boy that made 1,000 box robots and sold them for 5 dollars and donated all that money to a homeless person and when he had money left over he gave it to people that had cancer and that boy is 7 years old so I wanted to give a shout out to Alex. In Florida there was a dolphin that got trapped in a net and the mother dolphin was looking for the kid then the mother found the kid and couldn't get her than thank to a diver he dived off a boat to nd sharks then he saw a dolphin so he swam up to it and saw that the mothers kid was trapped in a net so he got out his pocket knife and cut the net and saved the dolphin and thank to the diver he saved a dolphin from a trap and his name is Landon and he is 14 years old so I wanted to give him a shout out.

That's the NEWS By Kaitlyn Sokolich

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