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Assignment Sheet #14 (Cycle 7)

Mr. Monaco
Nov. 24-28, 2008

“Do what the Buddhists do. Every day, have a little bird on your shoulder
that asks, ‘Is today the day? Am I ready? Am I doing all I need to do? Am
I being the person I want to be?’”
-Mitch Albom, Tuesdays with Morrie
Monday (11/24):
Class: Introduce Ch. 3, sec. 4: ‘Iolani as a Confucian school
In class writing
Homework: Read Ch. 3, sec. 4 (pp. 92-100) and complete worksheet by Wednesday
Complete Monacopedia by Wednesday

Tuesday (11/25):
Class: Share answers
Review China maps
Homework: Read Ch. 3, sec. 4 (pp. 92-100) and complete worksheet by Wednesday
Complete Monacopedia by Wednesday

Wednesday (11/26):
Class: Discuss readings
Homework: Eat fully from your plates on Thanksgiving
Extra help: 3:10-3:50

Thursday (11/27) & Friday (11/28): Thanksgiving Break

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