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Date: Mar 2/20

Lesson Plan – Artificial Selection

Grade/Subject: Grade 9 Science - Biodiversity
General Learning Outcome(s)
Knowledge Outcomes:
3. Describe, in general terms, the role of genetic materials in the continuity and variation of
species characteristics; and investigate and interpret related technologies
Skill Outcomes:
▪ Initiating & Planning
▪ Communication & Teamwork
Attitude Outcomes:
▪ Mutual Respect

Specific Learning Outcome(s)

Knowledge Outcomes:
▪ distinguish between, and identify examples of, natural and artificial selection (e.g.,
evolution of beak shapes in birds, development of high milk production in dairy cows)
Skill Outcomes:
▪ identify science-related issues (e.g., identify issues related to loss of species diversity)
▪ communicate questions, ideas, intentions, plans and results, using lists, notes in point form,
sentences, data tables, graphs, drawings, oral language and other means (e.g., illustrate and
compare methods of reproduction in sample organisms studied)
▪ defend a given position on an issue, based on their findings (e.g., defend a position on a
proposed measure to protect a particular plant or animal population)

Students will be able to:
● Present an argument on different issues in artificial selection
● Collaborate with group members and come to a consensus on an issue

● Computers

Lesson Preparation:
● Have laptop ready to go with slide right for the beginning of class
o The slides tab with groups
o The google doc
o The timer tab
● Have board erased where you need it
● Have the computer cart in the room
● Have the google doc shared to students

Activity #1: Artificial Selection Intro (5 min)

● What do we think artificial selection is?
o Think of the opposite of natural selection
● Write people’s ideas on the board

Date: Mar 2/20
● At the end write something like “it’s the breeding of plants and animals by humans so their
offspring have desirable traits.”
o They can use this definition for reference for the next activity

Activity #2: Individual Research (20 min)

● Introduce activity
o There will be four different artificial selection topics that people are assigned
o You will have an article on your Google Drive and questions that everyone has to
answer about their topic (in writing)
o You will read the article and answer the questions individually on the computer
o Afterward you will gather with your group and decide on a position (for or against)
on the issue
o You will present your issue and position to the class
o If you aren’t working during the individual time you will continue working in
the hall while everyone else is doing the debate activity
o At this point show the slide with the group members and articles
▪ Topic 1 (Should we support the selective breeding of certain dog breeds?):
● 9.6: Hasib, Arena, Carmen, Viann, Josh, Deborah, Ana
● 9.5: Isaac A, Jordan, Faizan, Sofia, Aidan, Brandi, Tony
▪ Topic 2 (Should we support the growing of GMO crops?):
● 9.6: Jaafar, Hayden, Abigale, Ada, Vince, Jase, Mahim
● 9.5: Joscelyn, Anna, Ayan, Rianne, Connor, Edrees, Julia
▪ Topic 3 (Should we support the selective breeding of sheep to increase wool
● 9.6: Rhea, La Trell, Daniel E, Harris, Madison, Swenky, Tim
● 9.5: Jessica, Maleeha, Andrew, Nikhil, Christine, Tariq, Kaylee
▪ Topic 4 (Should we support the selective breeding of cows to increase milk
● 9.6: Daija, Emmanuel, Brooklyn, Daniel L, Cairo, Thomas, Giulia
● 9.5: Kamari, Corbyn, Isaac L, Ben, Jennifer, Juan, Graciella
● Everyone can grab a computer and work quietly answering these questions on their paper
(will be included on google doc):
o Explain what your article is about.
o How is this article related to artificial selection?
o What are the positives and negative to the issue discussed in your article?
o Which side are you on? Back up your argument with reasoning.
● Ask if anyone has questions
● Circulate and help people who are working
● Bring up timer to show how much time they have left to work

Activity #3: Group Collaboration (12 min)

▪ Instructions:
Date: Mar 2/20
o First everyone put their computers back and charging
o Next groups gather together in the specified areas (choose four areas in the room)
o You will need to present to the class:
▪ What the article is about
▪ How it’s related to artificial selection
▪ Your group’s position on the issue and why
▪ (and leave time for questions)
o You will present in four minutes with time for questions at the end
o You will need to decide who talks and what they are going to say
o You have five minutes to figure this out
▪ Questions?
▪ Go!
▪ Now circulate to ensure students are on task
▪ Play timer for five minutes to ensure students know how long they have
▪ Get everyone back to their seats

Activity #4: Group Presentations (20 min)

▪ Get them to take out their papers they answered the article question on and write a little
notes on what each presentation is about
▪ Call up group 1
▪ Ask them to present (while facilitating with questions if necessary)
o What is your topic?
o How does it relate to artificial selection?
o What is your position on the issue?
o Why?
o Questions for the class?
▪ When done have the groups switch and repeat until class is over

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