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51 Inquisitor Ranged DPS

There is a melee DPS spec I will cover as well, but, I <3 this ranged one. And generally I like to stand back and p3w p3w than get up close and personal, where I could get cleaved. (Of course you still have to get up close to AoE) This spec includes decent single target DPS, but great AoE DPS and also some utility with a purge.

This is a sample of my ability bar so it can give you an idea of one way to position your abilities. This is totally up to you to decide what way to position them of course as you have to be the most comfortable with where you lay out your abilities, but for me this is the easiest.

51 Inquisitor Ranged DPS

The Macros: InqSpam #show Bolt of Judgment suppressmacrofailures cast sanction heretic cast bolt of judgment cast life's vengeance cast excommunicate cast vex

Pew #show fanaticism suppressmacrofailures cast fanaticism cast bolt of depravity

AoE #show soul drain suppressmacrofailures cast soul drain cast circle of oblivion

The Buffs: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Spiritual Protection Shroud of Agony Armor of Devotion Mein of Aggression Heroic Blessing

51 Inquisitor Ranged DPS

The Rotation: ST Rotation 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Throughout Rotation keep up Vex Spam Inqspam until bolt of depravity ability procs on screen Then hit the pew macro twice to activate fanaticism then bolt of depravity Sanction Heretic Nysyrs Rebuke (If you need mana, hit Aggressive Renewal)

AoE Rotation 1. Spam AoE Macro 2. repeat

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