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BAY AREA COLLEGE OF NURSING Nursing Assistant Program Module 8: Resident Care Skills

EQUIPMENT: gloves washcloth emesis basin towel denture cup denture cleanser/toothpaste mouthwash BEGINNING STEPS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Wash hands. Knock and pause before entering the residents room. Introduce self. Identify resident. Explain procedure. Gather equipment, if applicable. Provide for privacy. Apply gloves, if necessary.

MANUAL SKILL: Denture Care

SKILL STEPS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Place a towel on the residents chest and an emesis basin under the chin. If resident is able, ask him/her to remove dentures. If resident requires assistance, remove dentures from mouth. (To remove upper plate, push down gently over upper ridge of denture to break suction). Place dentures in denture cup, cover with lid, and take to sink. Put washcloth or paper towels in bottom of sink and fill with 2-3 inches of cool water to protect dentures from accidental breakage if dropped. With denture brush and denture cleanser or toothpaste, brush all surfaces of dentures, and, when finished, rinse dentures under gently running cool water.

_________________________________________________ Do Not Reproduce. BACN Property/2010

BAY AREA COLLEGE OF NURSING Nursing Assistant Program Module 8: Resident Care Skills
6. 7. 8.

MANUAL SKILL: Denture Care

Place cleaned dentures in cleanly rinsed denture cup. Encourage resident to rinse mouth with diluted mouthwash. Replace dentures in residents mouth or store in cold water in denture cup labeled with residents name (usually placed in drawer of bedside stand).

ENDING STEPS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Clean and return equipment and supplies, if applicable. Remove gloves, if wearing. Position resident comfortably. Place call light within reach. Lower bed to safe position for the resident. Leave room neat. Wash hands. Document. Report abnormal findings to licensed nurse.

_________________________________________________ Do Not Reproduce. BACN Property/2010

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