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undecided decided (adj.

) precisionism-a decisively incision cementation-ml decision concise circumcision-md/r decisive excision prcis incisor-dt decide excise parricide caesura-LE mariticide decisiveness incise abscise cementite-ml precise conciseness cementum-dt imprecise concisely The Valley of Decision-LE cesarean section-md precisely fratricide Caesar Box-h abscission-Bb vaticide imprecision patricide recision-gk vaccicide homicide matricide Julius Caesar-LE mundicidious homicidal decidedly Caesar and Cleopatra-LE populicide suicide genocide Caesar and Pompey-LE episcopicide chisel (n.) incisiveness abscissa-M tsar-h/ps chiseled incisive uxoricide-gk kaiser-h/ps hosticide scissors incisively feticide-md menticide monstricide cement czarina-ps czar-ps exorcist circumcise-md/r occision exorcism scissors-sp precisive exorcise scissored regicide scissor (v.) chisel (v.) pesticide fungicide herbicide insecticide rodenticide scissors kick indecisive indecision indecisively indecisiveness precision preciseness Julius Caesar

Caedo, caedere, cecidi, caesumto cut, kill {chis, cid, cis, -cide} Caesar, CaesarisCaesar

When one makes a decision, one must cut off or cut away all other possibilities to arrive at a judgment. Caesar was either a reference to being reputedly cut from his mothers womb, the first recorded cesarean section, or to his full head of hair, a jocular cognomen since most busts of Caesar show him to be balding, his hair cut away.


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