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Pollo Azul (the blue chicken)

Introducing Idea.

Hi Leslie! This is a quick idea/ presentation for the digital story. Tell me what you think? It`s just an idea, we don`t have to use it. Or we can change it around a little bit. Hope you enjoy!


An Andalusian rooster named Azul. He`s a proud, cocky son-of a gun who rules the roost with no tact and even less manners.. Start with Azul`s story, which includes explaining what an Andalusian is. Featuring text, plenty of pictures and a rooster crow? What kind of music? (Folksy barnyard music)

Pollo Azul vs. Rojo Blanco

His nemesis is a white cock named Rojo Blanco. Rojo is more popular with the hens and other barnyard folk. Feature some happenings in a barnyard environment, a picture of Rojo and a different rooster crow? Any ideas? Make it funny!


When Azul loses his high standing, he is tempted to strike out on his own... (some violins, dejected rooster, continued story) What more in this section?

Chicken Hawk!!!

The threat of a chicken hawk ends up separating the real rooster from, well... the chicken! Azul herds the flock to safety, and Rojo Blanco freaks out and hides under the chicken coop. How to end the story without being too clich? Chicken Hawk picture and sound...



Not sure how to do that yet, but am looking up suitable music, etc.

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